
Category archive: Director’s Corner

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Discussing change at the Baseline Assessment Workshops

| 26 August 2010 In cooperation with the KEK Linear Collider Office, the ILC GDE Project Managers are organising the first in a series of Baseline Assessment Workshops. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ,

ICHEP addresses the future of high-energy physics

| 19 August 2010 [...] Whatever new large projects will be in our future, we are building a strategy and timing for decisions, where the scientific results and imperatives can determine our choices. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , ,

ICHEP opens the LHC era

| 12 August 2010 [...] The ICHEP conference broadly covered the field of high-energy physics from new limits on the search for the Higgs from the Tevatron to reviews of future technology and projects. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,

Students admitted to the fifth Linear Collider accelerator school

| 5 August 2010 We have selected 70 highly qualified students from an increased pool of 276 applications for the 2010 school. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ,

Paris and politics

| 29 July 2010 By governance we mean all the disparate elements required to found a convincing ILC laboratory organisation, with clear aims, transparent and accountable management and supportive governments and funding agencies. It forms an essential part of the overall "Project Implementation Plan"... Category: Director's Corner | Tagged:

An animated ILC

| 22 July 2010 Today, we release our first ILC animation, which has been created by Mamoru Horiuchi (aka Rey.Hori) from Japan. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , ,

Japan to provide funds towards the Super KEKB upgrade

| 15 July 2010 [...] MEXT, the Japanese ministry that supports high-energy physics at KEK, announced that it will appropriate 10 billion yen (around 110 million dollars) towards the upgrade of KEKB over the three years starting this fiscal year. -- Barry Barish Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,

The laser and the next 50 years

| 8 July 2010 [...] it is clear that the new laser developments will continue to have an impact on our lives in new and exciting ways, both by opening up new scientific opportunities and in creating new applications to our everyday lives. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,

Celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the laser

| 1 July 2010 [...] The development of the laser from a fundamental physics discovery to a multibillion-dollar industry and its pervasive and unforeseen impacts on how we live, make a very powerful case for the value of basic research. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,

Flexibility in the ILC design

| 24 June 2010 In a new large accelerator complex which will take years to get approved and constructed, one must maintain some degree of flexibility in its design as many things can change before a construction start. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,