
Category archive: Director’s Corner

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ILC power

| 29 January 2009 I have many times been in the situation where I took an interested non-expert on a tour of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and explained how it relates to a future project, the International Linear Collider. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged:

Training the next generation of accelerator scientists

| 22 January 2009 The Third International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders took place from 19 to 20 October 2008 at the Oakbrook Hills Marriott Hotel near Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. and was a continuation of the previous two international LC accelerator schools held in 2006 in Japan and 2007 in Italy. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ,

Plug compatibility: rationale and technical aspects addressed

| 15 January 2009 An interesting and challenging concept that has emerged in developing the ILC's technical design is that of plug compatibility for the superconducting radio frequency accelerating systems. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ,

A New Year

| 8 January 2009 (...) I am happy to report that we are starting this year in a much more stable state and with a solid and realistic R&D plan that we believe we can accomplish. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged:

A year in the life of the ILC

| 18 December 2008 seems appropriate to take a brief look back over a year which has certainly had its ups and downs. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged:

A low-energy gamma-gamma collider as a first step toward the ILC

| 11 December 2008 The spirit of new ideas that prevailed at the ICFA meeting continued into the ILCSC meeting where Hirotaka Sugawara, former director general of KEK, Japan, presented a different approach towards the ILC. He suggested building a lower-energy gamma-gamma machine as a first step towards the ILC. The ILCSC is now evaluating the pros and cons of this idea. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged:

Discussing the future – SLAC ICFA Seminar

| 4 December 2008 Visionary thinkers converged at SLAC for an ICFA Seminar (International Committee for Future Accelerators) on possible future projects for particle physics during the last week in October. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ,

Progress on our Technical Design Phase goals

| 26 November 2008 Last week several hundred scientists and engineers gathered at the new Forum Event Center of the University of Illinois at Chicago for LCWS 08 and ILC 08. Once per year the Global Design Effort hosts a plenary meeting to which the entire community is invited to hear progress, plans and general presentations, and for 2008 this meeting was ILC08. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,

The legacy of Edoardo Amaldi

| 20 November 2008 Edoardo Amaldi was one of the giants who shaped our field... In fact, his impact on physics and society was far broader than his contributions to particle physics alone: they also include his scientific contributions and leadership in nuclear physics, gravitational wave research and astrophysics. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , ,

Formalising the CLIC-ILC collaboration

| 13 November 2008 Collaboration between our ILC R&D and design work and the parallel effort towards the CLIC concept stands to be of benefit to both groups. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ,