Barbara Warmbein | 6 March 2014Particle physics has a long tradition of technologies serendipitously making their way into other realms of science or even everyday life. Think of the web or particle detectors for medical diagnostics. The scientists working on the CLIC accelerator, one of the potential successors of the Large Hadron Collider LHC, held a “High Gradient Day” specially targeted at industry during their workshop last week in order to catalyse the transfer of knowledge gathered over years of R&D.
Category: Feature | Tagged: CLIC, free-electron laser, SLAC, technology transfer, X-band
Barbara Warmbein | 20 February 2014Are you confused yet? Is Kitakami a mountain or a town, a river or a region? What’s “Iwate” and what does it have in common with Sendai? Here’s a glossary to help you understand all those new words and look them up before you go. Oh, and by the way: Kitakami is all of the above and Iwate and Sendai are all in the Tohoku region of Japan…
Category: Feature | Tagged: Ichinoseki, Iwate, Kitakami, Oshu, Tohoku
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 20 February 2014The life of a particle physicist is the same everywhere in the world one might say. It’s true that the physicist’s work life at the future ILC is easily predictable. Computing and data taking or analysis, meeting with colleagues, tons of coffee and tea, short lunch breaks at the cafeteria (with “electron” and “positron” menus?), preparing for future meetings in the afternoon, plus, for the lucky ones, night shifts for a detector or machine survey. I’m not going to tell you anything new about what you know already. Let me tell you the other side of the story, regarding your afterwork life at the Kitakami site. Put on your most comfy easy-to-take-off shoes – there is much to visit here - and follow me to the Tohoku region.
Category: Feature | Tagged: communication, Hiraizumi, Ichinoseki City, international laboratory, Iwate Prefecture, Kikami, Oshu City, social life
Rika Takahashi | 6 February 2014With the creation of a new ILC Planning Office this week at KEK, the Japanese high-energy physics community is taking another big step towards making the ILC a reality in Japan. It is the pre-step for forming an international organisation, which KEK Director General Atsuto Suzuki would like to establish.
Category: Feature | Tagged: ILC governance, ILC Planning Office, international collaboration, Japan, KEK, R&D
Daisy Yuhas | 23 January 2014Isn't it a bad idea to build a high-tech high-precision particle accelerators machine in a country that is regularly shaken by earthquakes? Won't the machine have to be rebuilt from scratch when it all starts to move? LC NewsLine investigates what the various teams are doing to prepare the machine for a big shake and finds that granite can also serve as a kind of bubble wrap. "Shaken as one, restored as one" is the catchphrase.
Category: Feature | Tagged: accelerator R&D, earthquake, ILC site, Japan
9 January 2014On 20 December, members of the Accelerator Division SRF Electron Linac Department and the Technical Division SRF Development Department successfully brought the first accelerating cavity in Cryomodule 2 to a gradient of 31.5 megavolts per meter, the gradient required for the proposed International Linear Collider. The achievement demonstrates the cavity's successful integration into the cryomodule.
Category: Feature | Tagged: accelerating gradient, cryomodule, Fermilab, Superconducting RF
Marcel Stanitzki and Andy White | 7 November 2013The SiD detector concept held a workshop at SLAC from 14 to 16 October. This was the first workshop held since the completion of the Detailed Baseline Design document and was an opportunity to consider the next steps in detector development and organisation of the concept. The workshop agenda can be found here.
Category: Feature | Tagged: detailed baseline design, detector R&D, SiD
Julianne Wyrick | 24 October 2013With the publication of the Technical Design Report, one stage of design and costing for the ILC is complete. Now, US members of the Linear Collider Collaboration must consider what ILC components the US might contribute—and how they will be produced.
Category: Feature | Tagged: industrialisation, SLAC, United States, waveguide system
10 October 2013CERN congratulates François Englert and Peter W. Higgs on the award of the Nobel prize in physics “for the theoretical discovery of a mechanism that contributes to our understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles, and which recently was confirmed through the discovery of the predicted fundamental particle, by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider.” The announcement by the ATLAS and CMS experiments took place on 4 July last year.
Category: Feature | Tagged: CERN, Englert, Higgs, LHC, Nobel prize
Rika Takahashi | 12 September 2013A committee of Japanese scientists has just recommended Kitakami mountains as a candidate construction site for the ILC. The project now has to go through international negotiations, which should take at least a few years. Meanwhile, on 28 August, Japan’s Ministry in charge of science policy (MEXT) delivered its first official national budget request for the ILC. The ILC project has now entered into the next stage.
Category: Feature | Tagged: ILC site, Japan