Tag archive: 3-D silicon technology
Barbara Warmbein | 28 June 2012
A new integration technology that could also be used in the ILC detectors will soon serve as a node point for connecting several German and international institutes and universities in the common goal to develop fast, efficient and reliable detector components in the Helmholtz Detector Technology and Systems Platform. The unusual aspect of the collaboration: these detectors are not only for Higgs- and SUSY-hunting apparatus for particle physics, but also for more compact and more targeted devices for use in light sources.
Around the World | Tagged:
3-D silicon technology, DESY, Helmholtz Association, particle physics, photon science
Barbara Warmbein | 12 April 2012
The AIDA community takes stock of its first year of R&D activities. Twenty-three European countries are working on a variety of infrastructures that help today's researchers plan the detectors of the future - from linear colliders to neutrino facilities.
Around the World | Tagged:
3-D silicon technology, AIDA, detector R&D, dosimeter, FP7, industry
Marcel Demarteau | 18 August 2011
Although the actual construction date of the ILC accelerator and its detectors is very uncertain, the impact of the R&D for ILC detectors is very real. Sometimes we tend to overlook the deep impact the work initiated by and carried out within the ILC detector community has already had on the whole particle physics community and beyond.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
3-D silicon technology, calorimeter, CMOS, detector R&D, detectors, ILD, sensor, SOI technology, technology transfer, time projection chamber, TPC, vertex detector
9 July 2009
The International Linear Collider had more than a dozen circuit pixel-detector technologies to choose from for their vertex detectors. Now, they can choose from many more design options thanks to a ground-breaking partnership among national laboratories, universities and industry.
Feature | Tagged:
3-D silicon technology, detector R&D, vertex detector
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