
Tag archive: 7 TeV

On the threshold of new territory

8 April 2010 With stable beams regularly circulating and colliding in the LHC, we have started the physics programme at 7 TeV. At a recent workshop in Italy, participants had the chance to take stock of what lies in store for the LHC's first physics run. Category: Feature | Tagged: ,

Celebrating first 7-TeV collisions at the LHC

| 8 April 2010 This past week marked the beginning of a new era for particle physics with the much publicised achievement of establishing the first 7-TeV collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). [...] We should soon begin to have a glimpse of Terascale physics from searches for the origin of mass to looking for evidence of a new symmetry in nature that could even explain the dark matter. Even more intriguing is the real possibility for totally unexpected surprises that are awaiting us. We are looking to LHC science to establish what kind of lepton collider will be needed to best exploit the energy frontier in the longer term. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , , ,