Tag archive: APS
Barbara Warmbein | 18 May 2023
When a camera crew descends on a research lab, places that scientists see every day can suddenly appear totally different. When WG3 leader Jenny List showed the APS TV team and presenter Nico Gutjahr around the German lab DESY, a control room became the setting for a one-on-one interview and the accelerator module test facility turned into an interactive classroom. Here are some impressions from the video shoot for the latest ILC video. All images: Joseph Piergrossi, DESY
Image of the week | Tagged:
APS, ILC video, sustainability
18 May 2023
Have you seen the latest video from ILC? It features interviews with Jenny List, Working Group Leader in the IDT, SLAC theorist Michael Peskin, and other experts discussing the exciting physics breakthroughs that the ILC could deliver. They also highlight the project's global collaboration, the various educational opportunities for students, and the focus on sustainability.
Feature | Tagged:
APS, detector R&D, ILC, physics case, video, YouTube
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 11 July 2013
For the realisation of a linear collider, a significant contribution from the United States is essential. A critical step is that the project is positively included in the US strategy for high-energy physics. The long community planning process – the so-called Snowmass process – will end in a final report to be released at the end of September.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
APS, European Strategy for Particle Physics, HEPAP, Japan, LHC, Snowmass process, US strategy
Barry Barish | 13 September 2012
SLAC has had a remarkable first 50 years, which were celebrated in a special event this past month. Although the theme of that event focused on the next 50 years, the achievements of the past inform the future plans and prospects. In that regard, the physics achievements of SLAC were duly noted at the event because the American Physical Society named it an APS Historic Site and awarded the lab a plaque.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
anniversary, APS, SLAC, SLC
Barry Barish | 17 May 2012
Today I pay tribute to a very special Vietnamese physicist, Jean Trân Thanh Vân, who has been awarded the 2011 Tate Medal. No field of physics is more international than particle physics and Trân epitomises that spirit. He has dedicated much of his professional life to creating ways to bring physicists together from around the globe, and especially his initiatives to bring Vietnam into the global world of physics.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
AIP, APS, award, Moriond, Orsay, Vietnam
Barry Barish | 19 April 2012
Most of us belong to a professional society that serves many of our professional needs throughout our career as practicing scientists. I have belonged to the American Physical Society since I was a graduate student in Berkeley, and last year I had the privilege of serving as APS President for 2011. It has become customary for each outgoing President to summarise his or her presidential year for APS, and I repeat my summary in order to give a picture of the activities of such a professional society.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
APS, education, outreach, physical society, science policy
Barry Barish | 1 March 2012
During a face-to-face working meeting of the Global Design Effort Executive Committee, held in Washington DC last month, invited guests discussed with us how science is supported in the US system, including new project approval, the yearly budget process and the formulation of science policy.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
APS, DOE, OSTP, TDR, US budget
Barry Barish | 8 September 2011
The Fermilab Tevatron will be turned off later this month after having served the high-energy community for 25 years as the highest-energy collider in the world. The contributions of the Tevatron have been enormous, both from its many physics results and from its leading role in developing the science and technology of high-energy hadron colliders.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
American Physical Society, APS, Division of Particles and Fields, DPF, Fermilab, Tevatron, top quark
Barry Barish | 9 June 2011
To a very large extent, science has no boundaries. The research we perform, the discoveries we make, the collaborations we forge, and even the teaching we do is universal. As a result, science and scientists offer a unique window for understanding and collaboration with each other, advancing both science and what is referred to as science diplomacy.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
18 February 2010
In a provocative section of a talk at the American Physical Society meeting in Washington, DC, yesterday, theorist Matthew Strassler from Rutgers University challenged particle theorists to not be too simple in their analyses. Most people would probably not claim that theoretical particle physics is too simple, but Strassler argued that nature is likely to be even more complicated than physicists expect. And if theorists only properly examine the simplest classes of models, where simple is a relative term, they might be led astray in interpreting future Large Hadron Collider data.
Feature | Tagged:
American Physical Society, APS, United States
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