Tag archive: beam diagnostic
2 May 2013
Electrons are once again streaming into SLAC's historic End Station A, setting the stage for a new user facility in the huge, concrete hall where the first evidence for quarks was discovered. Fed by billion-particle bunches of high-energy electrons diverted from the linear accelerator supply to the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), the new beamline, called the End Station Test Beam (ESTB), will initially host three types of experiments: General beam physics and machine-detector interface studies for the proposed International Linear Collider and Compact Linear Collider, radiation hardness tests on detector components and R&D for high-energy physics detectors, which will use secondary particles created when the main beam hits a target.
Around the World | Tagged:
beam diagnostic, machine detector interface, SLAC, test beam
Christine Herman (FNAL) | 8 September 2011
The halo of an electron beam does not make it angelic. It only adds to the beam's messy profile, making more work for physicists like Jefferson Lab’s Pavel Evtushenko, who was recently awarded funding for five years to look into developing high-range dynamics beam diagnostics that could help clean up electron beams.
Around the World | Tagged:
beam diagnostic, Jefferson Lab, JLab
27 August 2009
At the Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) at KEK, researchers around the world are testing the feasibility of their accelerator techniques. Because the ILC beams are very small, very accurate and precise beam diagnostic measurements are required. Physicists from Notre Dame University, US, and Oxford University, UK, visited ATF2 in July to make tests relevant to beam diagnostic measurement.
Feature | Tagged:
ATF, beam diagnostic, KEK, Notre Dame University, Oxford University, United Kingdom, United States
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