Tag archive: cryomodule
Elizabeth Clements | 6 September 2007
The 1200 parts started to arrive at Fermilab in June. When fully assembled, these many parts will make up the first cryomodule for International Linear Collider R&D in the United States. The ILC will ultimately require 1680 of these cooled modules that hold the superconducting cavities, maintaining a temperature only two degrees above absolute zero. This first US cryomodule -which will only be used for R&D purposes-represents a special collaboration between Fermilab and DESY.
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cryomodule, DESY, Fermilab
Elizabeth Clements | 13 April 2006
Using state-of-the-art technology, cryomodules are vessels that contain superconducting cavities in a linear accelerator. Inside the module, liquid helium cools the cavities to -271° C, only slightly warmer than the coldest possible temperature. The superconducting cavities operate at these super-cool temperatures, pumping more and more energy into the particles that are moving at nearly the speed of light inside the accelerator.
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