Tag archive: detector development
Barbara Warmbein | 27 June 2019
Technology developed under the AIDA-2020 project is sure to make the most out of collisions at future colliders. But did you know it might also be able to save lives? One detector made of resistive plate chamber technology improved under AIDA-2020 is set to take up residence at the side of a volcano in autumn to measure its inner structure using cosmic muons. The technology is called muography.
Around the World | Tagged:
AIDA-2020, detector development, muography, RPC, technology transfer
Barbara Warmbein | 5 April 2018
The planners and builders of the future ILD detector met in Ichinoseki, close to the potential future home of their high-tech masterpiece, in February to compare notes and advance the detector design.
Around the World | Tagged:
calorimeter, detector development, Ichinoseki, ILD, Iwate, software, tracker
Barbara Warmbein | 22 July 2016
Silicon detectors play a crucial role in particle detectors, both present experiment at the LHC and future experiments like the ILC. More than 80 calorimeter and silicon tracking experts attended a dedicated workshop on high-granularity silicon devices, held last month in Hamburg.
Around the World | Tagged:
Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators, AIDA-2020, ATLAS, CALICE, CERN, CMS, detector development, silicon tracking
Barbara Warmbein | 8 October 2009
The new group for linear collider detector development at CERN is less than a year old, but it is growing fast: a number of students and fellows are already working on simulations, and as of next year there will be funds for actual hardware development. The linear collider detector R&D group (LCD) is led by Lucie Linssen. As a group based at CERN, home of the Compact Linear Collider study CLIC, its main focus is on detectors that record the collisions that CLIC would produce. At three TeV these have a much higher energy than the 500-GeV collisions at the ILC, higher backgrounds and very different timing: whereas there are 340 nanoseconds between two particles bunches colliding in the ILC, at CLIC the plan is to have electron-positron collisions every half a nanosecond.
Feature | Tagged:
detector development, LCD
Sakue Yamada | 17 January 2008
Last October we started a new phase in planning the ILC experimental programme after many years of coordination through the World Wide Study. Following a few months of discussion, we are now ready to put the new phase on track.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
Detector Design Phase, detector development, detector management
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