Tag archive: earthquake
Daisy Yuhas | 23 January 2014
Isn't it a bad idea to build a high-tech high-precision particle accelerators machine in a country that is regularly shaken by earthquakes? Won't the machine have to be rebuilt from scratch when it all starts to move? LC NewsLine investigates what the various teams are doing to prepare the machine for a big shake and finds that granite can also serve as a kind of bubble wrap. "Shaken as one, restored as one" is the catchphrase.
Feature | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, earthquake, ILC site, Japan
Image: KEK | 12 April 2012
KEK staff perform a facility disaster prevention and training at the accelerator test facility (ATF), recreating laboratory conditions in an emergency situation. One resourceful staff member flips open his cell phone for a light source.
Image of the week | Tagged:
earthquake, KEK
Toshiaki Tauchi | 15 December 2011
Restoration of the Accelerator Test Facility is in its final stage at KEK, Japan, where the ATF2 project, the final focus test beam for ILC, is being conducted with an international collaboration.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ATF, ATF2, beam position monitor, earthquake, KEK
Rika Takahashi | 23 June 2011
As the region around Tohoku University recovers from the March earthquake and regains its footing, scientists there look forward to rejoining ILC research efforts, and the local government highlights the ways recovery could be facilitated by bringing the ILC to Iwate prefecture.
Around the World | Tagged:
earthquake, Tohoku, Tohoku University
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 16 June 2011
Hitoshi Yamamoto offers a personal account of his navigation through the chaos brought on by shutdowns of transportation systems, electrical grids and running water immediately following the March earthquake. Amid the confusion, he remained mindful of the work of the ILC, resulting in welcome news for detector research.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
earthquake, Japan, JSPS, KEK
Rika Takahashi | 9 June 2011
Janice Nelson and Glen White from SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in the US are the first overseas scientists to visit KEK after the earthquake.
Feature | Tagged:
earthquake, KEK, SLAC
Rika Takahashi | 2 June 2011
On 26 May, a first test beam steered through the linac of the Accelerator Test Facility at KEK, Japan, with the same energy as before the March 2011 earthquake. Engineers are now working on the magnet alignment at the beam transportation line.
Around the World | Tagged:
ATF, earthquake, KEK, test beam
26 May 2011
Image: Nobu TogeAfter repairing some hardware components that were broken in the earthquake of 11 March, the recovery work at ATF is now focusing on fixing the overall hardware alignment using an optical survey technique. This will be followed by recovery of the cooling water, excitation of the magnet and the radiofrequency power, and test beam operation later this month and toward summer 2011.
Image of the week | Tagged:
ATF, earthquake, KEK
12 May 2011
As of now, our highest priority is the restoration of both campuses so that they can resume scientific activities as the Japanese Inter-University Research Institute Corporation and one of the world’s leading accelerator-science research laboratories.
Around the World | Tagged:
earthquake, Japan, KEK
Rika Takahashi | 17 March 2011
As many people in the world already know, Japan is currently dealing with its worst disaster: Japan's biggest earthquake on record and the fourth largest in history. Thousands of lives have been lost. Tens of thousands people are forced to evacuate and live without basic necessities. Hundreds of thousands are still missing.
Feature | Tagged:
earthquake, Japan, KEK
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