Tag archive: electron gun
Julianne Wyrick | 22 August 2013
How many people do you know with ILC tattoos? We know one, and he interned with Jefferson Lab’s Electron Gun Group this summer.
Feature | Tagged:
CEBAF, electron gun, ILC design, Jefferson Lab
Christine Herman (FNAL) | 21 July 2011
Scientists at Jefferson Lab advance high-voltage electron gun research to create tight, spin-polarised electron beams.
Around the World | Tagged:
electron gun, Jefferson Lab, JLab
14 July 2011
The opening ceremony of KEK's new Cavity Fabrication Facility (CFF). From left to right: Katsunobu Oide (Director, Accelerator Laboratory), Fumihiko Takasaki (Trustee), Atsuto Suzuki (Director General), Hideo Hirayama (Trustee), Kenji Ueno (Head, Mechanical Engineering Center).
Image of the week | Tagged:
electron gun, KEK, STF
Barbara Warmbein | 31 July 2008
In a linear accelerator, energy conservation is not really on the achievement list. To get up to the required luminosity, accelerator experts have one chance to push the particle beams to their limits, putting much energy into the bunches, correcting, scraping and tweaking them along the way only to smash them into each other and direct the straggly remains into a dump. Not so an Energy Recovery Linac, currently at the design and first prototype stage at Cornell University. The electron beams also get dumped after one run, but before that happens, they are tricked into handing over their energy back to the superconducting machine that accelerated them.
Feature | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, CESR, Cornell University, electron gun, energy recovery linac, ERL, injector
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