Tag archive: FJPPL
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 5 March 2015
This video of support for the ILC was recorded during the latest project meeting of ATF2 which took place from 24 to 26 February 2015 at LAPP laboratory in Annecy, France. Your message really makes difference. Participate in the #mylinearcollider video campaign, and ask your colleagues and friends to join, too!
Video of the week | Tagged:
ATF2, FJPPL, France, Japan, mylinearcollider
Rika Takahashi | 14 June 2007
The particle physics world has long been exchanging researchers internationally. One of the reasons for this active exchange is particle physicists share a common interest in the universal questions: How did the universe begin? What are the origins of mass? In addition, as the scale of accelerator facilities grows larger, it becomes difficult for each country to build and maintain their number of accelerators that are each suited for different purposes. This reality pushes researchers to travel abroad, wherever the accelerators are available.
Around the World | Tagged:
FJPPL, Japan
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