Tag archive: free-electron laser
Barbara Warmbein | 6 March 2014
Particle physics has a long tradition of technologies serendipitously making their way into other realms of science or even everyday life. Think of the web or particle detectors for medical diagnostics. The scientists working on the CLIC accelerator, one of the potential successors of the Large Hadron Collider LHC, held a “High Gradient Day” specially targeted at industry during their workshop last week in order to catalyse the transfer of knowledge gathered over years of R&D.
Feature | Tagged:
CLIC, free-electron laser, SLAC, technology transfer, X-band
10 March 2011
The TESLA Technology Collaboration Meeting was held from 28 February to 3 March, hosted by the University of Milan and INFN Sezione di Milano.
Image of the week | Tagged:
free-electron laser, INFN Milano, SCRF, SCRF technology R&D, TESLA Technology Collaboration, TTC
24 June 2010
For the first time, FLASH produced laser light with a wavelength of 4.45 nanometres; thus, DESY's free-electron laser for soft X-ray light considerably beat its previous record of 6.5 nanometres. At the same time, the peak intensity of single light pulses nearly doubled, with 0.3 millijoule. Prior to this, there was a five-month machine upgrade, above all with a significant improvement of the superconducting linear accelerator and the installation of a seeding experiment together with the University of Hamburg.
Around the World | Tagged:
DESY, FLASH, free-electron laser
Barry Barish | 23 April 2009
Before we can develop our own test systems that use ILC modules, we are making a series of important tests using the FLASH free-electron laser linac at DESY.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
DESY, FLASH, free-electron laser
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