Tag archive: future
Barry Barish | 4 October 2012
The High Energy Physics Advisory Panel met on 27 and 28 August in Rockville, Maryland, US. A central focus of this meeting was the proposed Fermilab Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment. The meeting included presentations on the physics potential, the reconfiguration options in response to Department of Energy guidance, and perspectives from Fermilab, the collaboration and the DOE.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
future, HEPAP, long-baseline, neutrinos, United States
Barry Barish | 6 September 2012
The particle physics communities worldwide are undertaking strategic planning processes that will set out the course of the field for the coming years. Recent science results, such as the discovery of the Higgs-like particle and the measurement of a relatively large value of theta13, open up exciting future possibilities. In Europe, the process of developing an update to the European Strategy for Particle Physics is under way. The next major step will be an open symposium in Krakow, Poland, from 10 to 12 September, for which a set of linear-collider input documents has been submitted.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, future, Higgs, ILC
Sakue Yamada | 15 March 2012
The ILC Steering Committee is now considering a new organisation for a linear collider project that includes both the ILC and CLIC programmes, in view of their individual progress and the cooperation between them, and it envisions a merger of physics and detector activities. It is a challenge to create a new mechanism that will satisfy all parties, but we should try hard to find one.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
future, ILC-CLIC collaboration, ILCSC, physics and detectors
Barry Barish | 8 March 2012
The International Linear Collider Steering Committee, chaired by Jon Bagger, met at Oxford University on 2 February. The main order of business was to plan the future of the ILC effort, following completion of the Technical Design Report.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, future, ICFA, ILC-CLIC collaboration, ILCSC, TDR
Barry Barish | 3 November 2011
The first joint ILC/CLIC workshop was held last year in Geneva. It was an important step towards bringing these two R&D and design efforts closer together. This year we held a second joint workshop in Granada, Spain, and the muon collider effort also participated. One of the primary aims of the CLIC and ILC collaborations is to work more collaboratively on joint problems, and another is to join together behind a single project by the time we propose to build a linear collider. Last week in this column Mike Harrison gave his observations of the Granada meeting that he characterised as ‘from the back of the room’, and today I add mine ‘from the front row.’
Director's Corner | Tagged:
future, LCWS11
Barry Barish | 13 October 2011
In anticipation of completing the Global Design Effort’s final deliverable, the Technical Design Report, by the end of 2012, serious discussions are underway as to the next steps and what will follow. The International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC) is taking primary responsibility for creating a plan. As part of the process, the GDE Executive Committee submitted a position paper to ILCSC for its meeting in Mumbai, India in August. I share our input with our readers today.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
future, GDE, ILCSC, TDR
Barry Barish | 15 September 2011
The American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields meeting at Brown University had a broad programme covering new results, special topics such as celebrating the Tevatron and plans for future projects. In my concluding remarks for the conference, I gave a personal view of future opportunities in particle physics.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
DPF, future, future accelerators, particle physics
Barry Barish | 10 February 2011
What is the ILC future programme beyond the Technical Design Report? How does the ILC project move forward if the decision on a linear collider construction project is delayed a few years? These questions and many others were addressed during the last Funding Agencies for Large Colliders meeting held on 22 January at SLAC, US.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
FALC, future, SLAC, TDR
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