Tag archive: future accelerators
Barry Barish | 8 December 2011
The International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) sponsors a meeting every three years on “Future Perspectives in High Energy Physics.” This year the ICFA seminar was held at CERN and it broadly covered plans and ideas for future facilities for our field. This meeting was particularly timely, as it coincided both with the completion of the impressive first year of running of the LHC and with the kickoff of the update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics to be completed in 2013.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, future accelerators, ICFA, particle physics theory, plasma accelerators
Barry Barish | 15 September 2011
The American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields meeting at Brown University had a broad programme covering new results, special topics such as celebrating the Tevatron and plans for future projects. In my concluding remarks for the conference, I gave a personal view of future opportunities in particle physics.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
DPF, future, future accelerators, particle physics
10 March 2011
Experiments in particle physics have decades of experience as thoroughly international collaborations. Can the giant accelerators that power these experiments make the leap to go global as well? The global physics community has kept the lessons of the Superconducting Super Collider and the LHC in mind while planning for the next international accelerator project. This time, countries are working together from the beginning and physicists have already demonstrated this attitude in developing future accelerators. Read more in Symmetry Magazine.
Feature | Tagged:
CERN, future accelerators, global collaboration, LHC, Superconducting Super Collider
Barbara Warmbein | 19 August 2010
This week marks the beginning of a small series in ILC NewsLine on future projects in particle physics beyond the linear collider. Today's Director's Corner summarises the talks on future projects from the recent International conference on High Energy Physics. This article gives a small inventory of ideas that are being discussed. Selected projects will then be presented in more detail in future issues, to highlight new accelerator concepts, technology and challenges for the possible future projects. They fall into several different categories. Most immediate are projects that in some way build on or complement the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Another category are projects that deal with neutrino or flavour physics. And there are ion colliders and projects that look at new ways of acceleration to make accelerators shorter and thus less costly. None of them have officially been accepted, and like all plans for the future these concepts are evolving. They may never be built, or be built in different ways described here
Feature | Tagged:
future accelerators
Barry Barish | 19 August 2010
[...] Whatever new large projects will be in our future, we are building a strategy and timing for decisions, where the scientific results and imperatives can determine our choices.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
future accelerators, ICHEP, ICHEP10
Barbara Warmbein | 5 March 2009
When talking about what they know and what they want to find out, physicists like to speak about ‘landscapes’. There are the well-chartered lands of the Standard Model and undiscovered territories like the Terascale – a region that the Large Hadron Collider LHC at CERN will enter when protons start colliding in autumn. With the LHC and its eventful proton-proton collisions scientists expect a whole range of signatures of expected and new physics, and they will need a machine to follow up on these to get a clearer view. In February, a group of more than one hundred theorists and experimentalists met at CERN for three weeks. Their goal was to outline the landscapes they may find with data from the LHC and to develop strategies for how to pick the right tools for the coming expedition.
Feature | Tagged:
CERN, future accelerators, future colliders
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