Tag archive: government
Hitoshi Murayama | 23 January 2014
We were all holding our breaths to see the Japanese government making an official move towards hosting the ILC. A small but significant move happened as a Christmas present with the release of the government budget proposal for the Japanese Fiscal Year 2014 which includes an official budget line for the ILC.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
budget, government, ILC site, international collaboration, Japan, R&D
Rika Takahashi | 7 February 2013
On Friday, 18 January, Hakubun Shimomura, Japan’s Minister of MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), the funding agency for Japan’s high-energy physics programme, stated Japan’s intention to invite the ILC in the regular press conference after the cabinet meeting, responding to a question from the press about the government’s standpoint to the ILC project.
Around the World | Tagged:
candidate sites, government, Japan, MEXT
Barry Barish | 11 February 2010
[...] I am pleased to announce that the DOE is continuing to support this revised programme and that a $35-million ILC R&D budget has been included in the President's US budget request announced last week.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
2010, 2011, budget, DOE, funding, government, ILC R&D funding, United States
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