Tag archive: horizontal test stand
Barbara Warmbein | 8 January 2009
The majority of NewsLine readers are scientists – most of you of the experimental kind. So be honest: how often during the last few weeks, when listening to carols, plucking the strings of your old guitar that you only get out during the holidays or cringing at a dissonant brass band, did you think about the physics and the maths of music? Go to the ILCT-MDB Horizontal Test Stand at Fermilab now and you can experience a perfect third harmonic: that of a string of cavities being tested and assembled into a cryomodule.
Around the World | Tagged:
cryomodule, cryomodule string, Fermilab, horizontal test stand, United States
24 April 2008
A successful test of a dressed 3.9 GHz superconducting radiofrequency cavity last week put Fermilab among an elite group that can produce cutting-edge, high-powered accelerator components.
Around the World | Tagged:
3.9 GHz, cavity, cavity testing, Fermilab, horizontal test stand
Elizabeth Clements | 9 August 2007
Vibrations in the cryomodules in the International Linear Collider are actually not a good thing. The slightest disruption can throw off the alignment of the super sensitive beams and prevent them from colliding. The stringent beam dynamic requirements in the ILC therefore make vibration studies important, which is why Fermilab recently installed measuring devices called geophones in their Horizontal Test Stand. So for the team at Fermilab, detecting vibrations now, during an R&D phase, is actually a good thing because it means that they can learn how to minimise them in the actual machine when every collision counts.
Feature | Tagged:
Fermilab, geophone, horizontal test stand, United States, vibrations
Elizabeth Clements | 24 May 2007
The newest resident in Fermilab’s Meson Detector Building is up and running. Last week, Fermilab scientists installed a nine-cell 1.3 GHz TESLA-style cavity into a cryostat in order to commission the new Horizontal Test Stand. Designed to test both 3.9 Ghz and 1.3 Ghz 9-cell niobium cavities, the Horizontal Test Stand will play an important role in the growing ILC R&D programme at Fermilab.
Feature | Tagged:
accelerating gradient, cavity gradient, Fermilab, horizontal test stand
Barbara Warmbein | 1 March 2007
Module 6 has had a bit of a break since we last reported on its progress (NewsLine 11 May 2006 and NewsLine 15 June 2006). It spent the last few months in DESY’s new module test stand in a brand-new building – as sparkling as new buildings in research centres get – and hasn’t been idle. Several cooling cycles and all sorts of tests over several months made sure that its creators knew the exact behaviour of all cavities, cables and couplers, the slow and fast tuners and the magnet.
Feature | Tagged:
DESY, FLASH, horizontal test stand, module 6
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