Tag archive: ILC-ECFA
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 10 July 2008
The future Director-General of CERN Rolf Heuer, currently Research Director at DESY, presented his personal vision of the future of particle physics in Europe at the ILC-ECFA meeting in Warsaw, Poland. Heuer emphasised the exciting times the community is now entering with the LHC start-up. The exploration of our mysterious "Dark Universe" is the main motivation for present and future astronomy and particle physics projects, and with the LHC and its highest collision energy ever, we are on the verge to explore it. After reviewing many possible scenarios and options for the after-LHC phase, Heuer said he hoped that particle physics research will continue with the same momentum for future projects, in particular for a future e+-e- collider. He hopes that the community will make use of these exciting times to establish a sustainable and global partnership between the labs, "of which CERN could be the catalyst."
Feature | Tagged:
Barry Barish | 3 July 2008
From 9 to 12 June, the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw, Poland, together with the Institute of Nuclear Studies hosted a workshop under the mandate of the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) to discuss the physics and detectors for a linear collider.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ECFA, ILC-ECFA, Poland, Warsaw University
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