Tag archive: ILD Detector
Barbara Warmbein | 19 July 2012
Tracks show the paths of particles passing through the time projection chamber, the tracker prototype for the ILD detector, in a DESY test beam last week. Six brand-new readout modules of the Micromegas type - one possible module type for the final detector - were mounted to the TPC endplate and produced beautiful tracks both from cosmic and beam particles.
Image of the week | Tagged:
CEA, DESY, ILD Detector, Micromegas, test beam, TPC
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 11 February 2010
Some 100 members of the International Large Detector (ILD) group gathered from 27 to 30 January 2010 in Paris, France, deep in the academic Latin Quarter area. This fourth ILD workshop was the first dedicated ILD meeting after the concept was validated in 2009 by the research directorate.
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ILD, ILD Detector
Elizabeth Clements | 18 January 2007
Almost three years after EuroTeV (The European Design Study Towards a Global TeV Linear Collider) convened for the very first time at Daresbury Laboratory in February 2004, the collaboration met once again this past week amidst the rolling green hills and gusting gales to acknowledge programme accomplishments and discuss plans for the future.
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ILD, ILD Detector, Japan, KEK
9 March 2006
If built, the International Linear Collider will hurl tiny electrons and positrons down 26 miles of accelerator, colliding the particles at the center in a microscopic explosion. But what good is it all if you can't see it happen?
Feature | Tagged:
detector R&D, ILD Detector
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