
Tag archive: luminosity

ILC starts at 500 GeV and goes down in energy

| 25 June 2015 The default collision of the energy of the ILC has always been 500 GeV with promises of an upgrade to 1000 GeV. A while ago, alternative scenarios of a staged ILC that would start at 250 GeV and ramp to 500 GeV later were discussed. All scenarios were evaluated in the community and Hitoshi Murayama reports on the result: the ILC would start at 500 GeV, then go down to lower energies before possibly receiving an upgrade to even higher ones. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , , ,

Linear collider technology checks LHC lumi

| 5 March 2015 There’s a piece of linear collider detector technology that is getting ready to take real collision data. The linear collider may be at planning stage, but right in the middle of the CMS detector, a luminometer based on work done for the forward region of the ILC’s ILD detector is very much a working piece of kit. It will measure the luminosity in CMS, ie the rate of collisions that the LHC produces per second, and the beam-induced background. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , , , ,

Beam bunch

| 6 September 2012 Particles in a collider aren’t necessarily evenly dispersed along the beam path. Instead they’re often clumped together in bunches with space in between. The series of bunches are sometimes called a bunch train, a pulse, or simply ‘the beam’. Category: LCpedia | Tagged: , , ,

Low-power option adopted for ILC technical design baseline

| 14 April 2011 Establishing a new baseline for the ILC technical design requires balancing performance, cost and risk issues. A proposal to halve the number of bunches in the machine, reducing power and cost has been approved, following a one-year study of all the impacts. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , , , ,