
Tag archive: Paris

Particle night fever in Paris

| 5 August 2010 How do you gather 2,000 Parisians and tourists in the middle of summer to talk about particle physics during a whole night? Probably following this recipe: find a magic venue, invite fascinating speakers and well-known artists, explore the frontier between science and cinema and advertise, advertise, advertise. Well, at least this is how the "Nuit des particules" ā€“ Particle Night ā€“ organised on 27 July at the Grand Rex theatre in Paris by the International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2010) this year happened to be a success. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , , ,

Report of the International Cost Review of the ILC

| 21 June 2007 Last month, many of us in the GDE went to Paris (to Orsay to be precise) for our long anticipated International Cost Review of our ILC Reference Design and plans for the future. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,