Tag archive: positron source
3 July 2008
The PosiPol2008 workshop was held from 16 to 18 June in Hiroshima, Japan. An unfamiliar word, "PosiPol" stands for "polarised positrons", meaning that the "spins" of positrons are aligned when they meet electrons at the centre of a linear collider. The electron beam is designed to be polarised at the ILC, but according to the baseline configuration positrons are unpolarised (or left naturally polarised) because making polarised positron is a difficult task to do.
Around the World | Tagged:
Japan, polarised positron beam, PosiPol, positron source
Rika Takahashi | 8 November 2007
The R&D for an ILC positron source using a laser-compton scheme is ongoing around the world. The efforts in Europe and Asia complement each other. In Europe, scientists are pursuing R&D for the laser path stacking cavity, a complicated, highly sophisticated system with four mirrors. In Asia, scientists aim to accumulate experience in gamma ray generation with simpler cavity structures. They also want to gain experience in installing these cavities into damping rings with high quality beams without degrading its quality.
Feature | Tagged:
laser-compton scheme, positron source
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 19 July 2007
Producing intense polarised positrons for the ILC is very challenging. Stability, energy, luminosity are the key words. Parallel to the baseline studies on a helical undulator-based source (see Newsline from 19 October 2006), other groups, like the laser group at LAL (IN2P3/CNRS), Orsay (France), pursue R&D on a Compton positron source. The Orsay team recently measured an unprecedented enhancement factor of the pulsed laser beam inside their Fabry-Perot cavity. They expect bigger factors in a few months.
Feature | Tagged:
France, LAL, positron source
Barry Barish | 27 October 2005
Last week I discussed the recommendation from Snowmass for the baseline electron source to be used for the linear collider reference design, and today I will briefly discuss the more challenging positron source.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
positron source
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