Tag archive: positron target
Qian Pan | 2 August 2012
A group of Chinese scientists, headed by Xuejun Jia from the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, recently finished the design of the remote handling of the ILC positron target. The target forms part of the positron source and is the place where positrons are produced and then accelerated before they collide with their antiparticles, the electrons.
Feature | Tagged:
China, positron source, positron target, remote handling
Min Zhang | 8 September 2011
Researchers gather in Beijing to discuss the latest and future research on positron sources for a next-generation linear collider at this year’s POSIPOL workshop.
Feature | Tagged:
IHEP, polarised positron beam, PosiPol, positron source, positron target
Leah Hesla | 10 February 2011
Scientists from the Cockcroft Institute, Daresbury Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory work on a rotating positron target for the ILC that can hold its own while producing about 1014 positrons per second for collisions with electrons.
Around the World | Tagged:
Cockcroft Insitute, Daresbury Laboratory, positron source, positron target, wheel
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