Tag archive: power pulsing
Barbara Warmbein | 5 December 2013
If physicists had it their way, detectors of the future would be powered with air. They want no material and no electronic noise to disturb their measurements. Powering by air isn’t a realistic option, so electrical engineers are tackling the challenge, putting a lot of effort into keeping noise down and material out. One of them is Cristian Fuentes at CERN. His latest project: power pulsing for the CLIC detector.
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CERN, CLIC, detector R&D, power pulsing
Barbara Warmbein | 18 April 2013
A concept to save space and power for future particle detectors called power pulsing has recently been tested and proven to work on one of the possible calorimeter options for the future ILC detectors. The silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter prototype took data in test beam and magnet at the German lab DESY. The project is currently run by groups from France and Japan.
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CALICE, DESY, detector R&D, electromagnetic calorimeter, France, Japan, power pulsing, test beam
Images: IPNL | 17 May 2012
For the first time, a large-scale calorimeter prototype for the ILC, fully equipped with embedded power-pulsed electronics, successfully passed a test beam at CERN a few weeks ago. A prototype of more than one cubic metre in size of CALICE’s Semi-Digital Hadronic Calorimeter successfully recorded and tracked 1 million particles from CERN’s SPS accelerator beam (muons and pions). Thanks to power pulsing, the detector front-end electronics was periodically disabled and enabled, following the beam cycle. Read more and view more photos about the test beam.
Image of the week | Tagged:
CALICE, calorimeter, power pulsing, sdhcal, test beam
Leah Hesla | 15 March 2012
The newest incarnation of the SLAC P2 Marx modulator is designed to be more versatile and robust than its predecessor. Having prepped it for reliability, scientists will soon put the modulator's mettle to the test.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, marx modulator, power pulsing, radiofrequency power, SLAC
Marc Weber (KIT), Georges Blanchot (CERN) and Roman Pöschl (CNRS/LAL) | 16 June 2011
Lowering power consumption is a key issue for particle physicists to solve to design the next generation of collider experiments. Detectors will measure signals recorded in millions of readout channels. Last May, the ILC-CLIC common working group for detectors organised the first workshop on power pulsing and delivery at LAL in Orsay, France.
Feature | Tagged:
CLIC, CNRS/LAL, detailed baseline design, detector R&D, ILC-CLIC, power pulsing, SLHC
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