Tag archive: Project Implementation Planning
Brian Foster | 6 August 2015
I am sure that my readers will remember that in my last Director’s Corner, in April, I threatened to write at some future date about the new Project Implementation Planning (PIP) document. Those of you with an even longer memory, going back to my Director’s Corner of April 2014, may even remember what it is. Just in case, however, I take this opportunity not only to honour my promise of last April to also to refresh your memory and to offer you an opportunity to peruse the final document.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
campus, ESS, European XFEL, ITER, LCB, Project Implementation Planning
Barry Barish | 15 March 2012
How should we approach questions on siting and funding the ILC? How should the construction project be governed and managed? What will be the responsibilities of the host country? How can in-kind contributions be managed most effectively? The Global Design Effort has addressed these and other such implementation issues in a new draft document submitted to the International Linear Collider Steering Committee. We make the draft available today and welcome your comments.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILCSC, Project Implementation Planning, Technical Design Report
Barry Barish | 18 August 2011
The GDE Executive Committee met face-to-face at Caltech in July in order to plan the next phase of the work on the Technical Design Report following establishment of a new ILC baseline this past spring. The status and plans remain on track to complete the report at the end of 2012.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
executive committee, Project Implementation Planning, TDR, Technical Design Report
Barry Barish | 9 September 2010
[...] Another important step is to develop a Project Implementation Plan (PIP) as a way to outline the options, models and plans for realising the ILC as a project. -- Barry Barish
Director's Corner | Tagged:
PIP, Project Implementation Planning
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