
Tag archive: Barry Barish

Endorsing the ILC “in the strongest way”

1 March 2018 “We have our hands around the mechanism that creates mass in nature but we need the tools to study it.” Barry Barish adds his voice to the #mylinearcollider video campaign, endorses the ILC "in the strongest way." Barish led the Global Design Effort for the ILC before he returned to LIGO and was awarded the Nobel Prize for the detection of gravitational waves. Category: Video of the week | Tagged: , ,

We are back!

| 14 December 2017 A lot has happened since our last issue of NewsLine, most notably the ICFA-supported option of a 250-GeV ILC, and a Nobel Prize for Barry Barish. Lyn Evans reports on the statement issued by ICFA and what a 250-GeV ILC would mean for the project. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,

Congratulations, Barry!

| 14 December 2017 This year’s Nobel Prize was awarded to our colleague, Barry Barish, a former, prominent leader of the linear collider community for many years. Associate Director for Physics and Detectors Jim Brau reports on Barry Barish’s role in the first direct detection of gravitational waves and managing large science projects. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , , ,