
Tag archive: survey

ILC NewsLine Survey result

| 24 September 2009 For the third time, the NewsLine team conducted a survey this summer. Who are our readers? Are they satisfied with the content? The survey says that you read us more often, that you are generally satisfied with the balance of the subjects and that you are enthusiastic about NewsLine's new thematic issues. However you would like to see more science and expect more stories about the connections between the ILC and other particle physics or accelerator projects. Category: Feature | Tagged:

Survey: how are we doing with NewsLine?

30 July 2009 As we are celebrating the 200th issue of NewsLine, we would like to take the opportunity to conduct a survey about your experience with the newsletter. Category: Feature | Tagged:

More scientists read ILC NewsLine, survey says… …and they want more physics stories!

| 21 November 2007 Last September, the ILC communicators conducted a survey about your favourite newsletter. Who are its readers? Are they satisfied with the content? Survey answers that you are mostly scientists who would like more stories about physics. Unfortunately, many of you do not know how to get your stories into NewsLine yet. Category: Feature | Tagged: