Barbara Warmbein | 4 September 2014
With more 200 linear accelerators around the world in operation for research, and more than 8000 linear accelerators serving industrial and medical application, future linear colliders played a small but important role at the LINAC14 conference this week in Geneva. It's R&D for future facilities that could make all linacs more efficient and reliable.
Around the World | Tagged:
European XFEL, linac, Nb3Sn, niobium, SCRF
Barbara Warmbein | 3 July 2014
Cornell is working on a technology that could make superconducting cavities even more efficient: niobium alloyed with tin. Currently in single-cell research stage, tests show promising results, especially for the quality factor Q. Cornell university has always been a big player in the development of superconducting radio frequency technology SCRF, the technology chosen for the ILC. Even though research into Nb3Sn-cavities is not advanced enough to replace conventional cavities just yet, it might play a big role in future upgrades of the ILC – and in many other accelerators for all kinds of purposes the nearer future.
Around the World | Tagged:
Cornell, Nb3Sn, Q, SCRF, superconducting cavity
Barbara Warmbein | 6 March 2014
Particle physics has a long tradition of technologies serendipitously making their way into other realms of science or even everyday life. Think of the web or particle detectors for medical diagnostics. The scientists working on the CLIC accelerator, one of the potential successors of the Large Hadron Collider LHC, held a “High Gradient Day” specially targeted at industry during their workshop last week in order to catalyse the transfer of knowledge gathered over years of R&D.
Feature | Tagged:
CLIC, free-electron laser, SLAC, technology transfer, X-band
Barbara Warmbein | 20 February 2014
Are you confused yet? Is Kitakami a mountain or a town, a river or a region? What’s “Iwate” and what does it have in common with Sendai? Here’s a glossary to help you understand all those new words and look them up before you go. Oh, and by the way: Kitakami is all of the above and Iwate and Sendai are all in the Tohoku region of Japan…
Feature | Tagged:
Ichinoseki, Iwate, Kitakami, Oshu, Tohoku
Barbara Warmbein | 20 February 2014
Our mission was clear: we were the tasters, the vanguard. In early February, the two European LC communicators travelled to Japan for three days to a. find our way around the Japanese transport system, b. be filmed doing so, c. find entry points of improvement potential for foreigners about to make the same experience, and d. start a communication model for the future multi-national laboratory. Here is how it all played out.
Around the World | Tagged:
communication, Ichinoseki, Japan, Kitakami site, Oshu, Sendai
Barbara Warmbein | 5 December 2013
If physicists had it their way, detectors of the future would be powered with air. They want no material and no electronic noise to disturb their measurements. Powering by air isn’t a realistic option, so electrical engineers are tackling the challenge, putting a lot of effort into keeping noise down and material out. One of them is Cristian Fuentes at CERN. His latest project: power pulsing for the CLIC detector.
Around the World | Tagged:
CERN, CLIC, detector R&D, power pulsing
Barbara Warmbein | 7 November 2013
Hundreds of children (as well as some playful adults) turned into human electrons at the ILC exhibit for the German accelerator lab DESY’s Open Day on 2 November in a mini ILC.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator research, DESY, outreach
Barbara Warmbein | 10 October 2013
After publishing the physics and detector chapters for the CLIC Conceptual Design Report organised only through working groups on various different study topics and detector R&D projects, the CLIC physics and detector community has spent the last months putting a new organisation in place: the CLIC detector and physics study. So far, 19 institutes have joined the study that is hosted at CERN. Frank Simon, MPI Munich, was elected as the chair of the Institute Board and Lucie Linssen as the first spokesperson. At their meeting at CERN last week, some 50 representatives from the various institutes met at CERN to discuss progress on physics simulations and detector development.
Image of the week | Tagged:
CERN, CLIC, detector R&D
Barbara Warmbein | 13 June 2013
During the ECFA LC2013 workshop that took place a the end of May at DESY in Hamburg, the LC management, civil engineering and machine-detector interface experts visited the tunnel of the future European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser XFEL - a week before construction was officially finished. DESY and the European XFEL celebrated the completion of the construction work with a ceremony, atmospheric lights and music in the new tunnel. Watch the slideshow.
Image of the week | Tagged:
DESY, GDE Project Managers, Germany, visit, XFEL
Barbara Warmbein | 30 May 2013
On 30 May, at a special meeting hosted by the European Commission in Brussels, the CERN Council formally adopted the update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics. This strategy sets the course for the future of this research field in Europe, making recommendations for projects and research sectors to be pursued with priority, both the near-term and the long-term future.
Around the World | Tagged:
CERN Council, CERN Council Strategy Group, CLIC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, ILC hosting, LHC upgrade
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