About Barry Barish
Barry Barish is the winner of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics. He is Distinguished Professor at the University of California, Riverside and Linde Professor, Emeritus at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). From 2005 to 2013 he was Director of the Global Design Effort and, apart from leading the collaboration to the publication of the ILC's Technical Design Report, contributed more than 300 Director's Corners in the ILC Newsline.
Barry Barish | 11 October 2007
We are now making the transition from completing the International Linear Collider reference design to beginning the engineering design phase by holding a set of kick-off meetings to cover the major areas of the machine.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
plug compatibility, plug compatible design
Barry Barish | 4 October 2007
We are dedicating this special issue of ILC NewsLine to the appointment of the new ILC Research Director, Sakue Yamada of KEK Laboratory and the University of Tokyo.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Research Director, Sakue Yamada
Barry Barish | 20 September 2007
These days it seems that the questions I am asked most frequently are not about what gradient we will achieve for the ILC, not who will be the ILC Research Director, the next SLAC Director or the CERN Director General. Instead, I receive both genuine and rhetorical questions about Fermilab's proposed Project X.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Fermilab, Project X, United States
Barry Barish | 13 September 2007
In order to have the strength and organisation we need to carry out an ILC engineering design over the next three years, the GDE Executive Committee has been carefully considering how to reorganise our efforts following completion of the Reference Design Report.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
engineering design
Barry Barish | 6 September 2007
We released a draft version of the ILC Reference Design Report last February. Since that time, the accelerator section has undergone reviews by the ILCSC Machine Advisory Committee and by a special international panel for our cost estimates and future plans.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILC publication, RDR, Reference Design Report
Barry Barish | 23 August 2007
For more than two decades now, SLAC has been pursuing R&D toward a TeV-scale linear collider.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Barry Barish | 16 August 2007
This week I am participating in the XXIII International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energy (LP07) in Daegu, Korea from 13 to 18 August 2007.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
lepton-photon, top quark
Barry Barish | 9 August 2007
Where will the ILC be built? This is one of the first questions people ask me whenever I give a presentation on our ambitions to build a new accelerator for particle physics.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CFS, conventional facilities, double tunnel, ILC site
Barry Barish | 2 August 2007
The Global Design Effort was created by the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC) under an MoU, which was initially signed by eleven countries.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Barry Barish | 26 July 2007
One of our most important and challenging goals for the ILC will be to develop government agreements that will underlie a true international governance for the ILC.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
FALC, INFN, Italy, Rome