Elizabeth Clements | 3 May 2007
Last week, more than 100 scientists from around the world met at Fermilab to discuss recipes for baking, rinsing and polishing. Not the kind used for baking a cake, instead attendees at the TESLA Technology Collaboration meeting shared information about developing the optimal recipe for pushing superconducting radiofrequency, or SCRF, technology forward.
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Fermilab, TESLA Technology Collaboration, TTC
Elizabeth Clements | 19 April 2007
At last week's Silicon Detector (SiD) concept meeting, participants used several words starting with the letter F -- Flow, as in particle flow; Funding, as in the need for more resources and manpower to fund detector R&D project; and Freezing, as in the weather at Fermilab. Approximately 70 members of SiD met at Fermilab to share the latest R&D results and plan for the future, namely how to prepare a draft Concept Design Report by this time next year.
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Elizabeth Clements | 12 April 2007
With a brand new floor and freshly cleaned out space, Fermilab's New Muon Laboratory is about to become the new home to a sixty-metre-long accelerator that will serve as a test area for ILC R&D. Until recently, the New Muon Laboratory housed the 2000-ton Chicago cyclotron magnet for more than 24 years. The newly renovated area will now be used to test cryomodules for the ILC with an electron beam.
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Fermilab, New Muon Laboratory
Elizabeth Clements | 29 March 2007
Peeling paint? Leaky roof? No problem. Say the words “test beam facility” to a physicist, and the opportunity to collect real physics data will wash away any aesthetic issues. Literally.
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CALICE, detector R&D, Gas Electron Multiplier, GEM, University of Texas at Arlington
Elizabeth Clements | 15 March 2007
Recent results from Cornell University demonstrated that a new method of electropolishing superconducting cavities may hold promise for the International Linear Collider. For the past two years, Cornell scientists have been developing an electropolishing method that treats cavities vertically as opposed to the traditional horizontal orientation developed by KEK. Cornell recently applied this new vertical method to a nine-cell ILC cavity for the first time and achieved positive results. “This is the first step to show the viability of the new method,” says Cornell physicist Hasan Padamsee.
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Cornell University, electropolishing, vertical electropolishing
Elizabeth Clements | 8 March 2007
As physicists and engineers devise ways to make the International Linear Collider perform better at a lower cost, the design evolves, sometimes with tweaks but at other times with major reconfigurations.
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ILC design
Elizabeth Clements | 8 March 2007
Last week on 28 February, U.S. industry members and scientists gathered at the Linear Collider Forum of America meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. to start a dialogue with congressmen and senate and house staffers about the International Linear Collider. The recent publication of the Reference Design Report made the meeting a timely venue to discuss plans to increase worldwide ILC R&D, a programme that will require participation from industry members around the globe.
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LCFOA, Linear Collider Forum of America, United States
Elizabeth Clements | 18 January 2007
Almost three years after EuroTeV (The European Design Study Towards a Global TeV Linear Collider) convened for the very first time at Daresbury Laboratory in February 2004, the collaboration met once again this past week amidst the rolling green hills and gusting gales to acknowledge programme accomplishments and discuss plans for the future.
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ILD, ILD Detector, Japan, KEK
Elizabeth Clements | 4 January 2007
To make the superconducting cavities for the ILC sparkle, they must undergo a series of surface treatments to make them as clean and pure as possible – a necessity for achieving high accelerating gradients. Electropolishing and Buffered Chemical Polishing, the two types of chemical treatments required for the cavities, are not simple tasks. They involve tricky chemicals and a detailed recipe for producing the best cavities possible.
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BCP, buffered chemical polishing, cavity processing, cavity R&D, Cornell University, DESY, JLab, KEK
Elizabeth Clements | 4 May 2006
Contracts, costing estimates and the bid-to-host process were the buzz words at the Linear Collider Forum of America industry meeting, hosted by SLAC earlier this week on 1-2 May. While the majority of the two days was dedicated to presentations about the latest ILC activities, this second meeting of the LCFOA allowed U.S. industry members to establish a stronger dialogue with the U.S. laboratories involved in the project. And even though the big questions about how much will it cost and when can proposals for contracts be submitted remain unanswered for the time being, attendees received a clear message that working with industry is essential for building the ILC.
Around the World | Tagged:
budget, LCFOA
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