21 March 2013
Geneva, 14 March 2013. At the Moriond Conference today, the ATLAS and CMS collaborations at CERN1’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) presented preliminary new results that further elucidate the particle discovered last year. Having analysed two and a half times more data than was available for the discovery announcement in July, they find that the new particle is looking more and more like a Higgs boson, the particle linked to the mechanism that gives mass to elementary particles. It remains an open question, however, whether this is the Higgs boson of the Standard Model of particle physics, or possibly the lightest of several bosons predicted in some theories that go beyond the Standard Model. Finding the answer to this question will take time.
Feature | Tagged:
CERN, Higgs boson
Video: IN2P3 | 7 March 2013
The Moriond conference, one of the most central physics conferences where latest results are presented to the community, is in full swing. Yesterday, Wednesday, was entirely dedicated to "The SM Scalar boson" - or, in other words, the new particle discovered at the LHC. Both the CMS and ATLAS experiments presented their latest results, and its seems that the new particle is compatible with a Higgs boson. The summer conferences will see even more updates - and maybe a confirmation? Find out more about yesterday's talks by viewing the individual talks, or all of the event webcasts kindly made available by IN2P3.
Video of the week | Tagged:
boson, Higgs, LHC, Moriond
21 February 2013
Vancouver, 21 February 2013. The two most mature future particle physics projects, the International Linear Collider (ILC) and the Compact Linear Collider study (CLIC), have formed an official organisational partnership today. As the newly founded Linear Collider Collaboration, they will coordinate and advance the global development work for the linear collider, a global project to complement the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN and ultimately understand the deepest secrets of the universe.
Feature | Tagged:
CLIC, directorate, ICFA, ILC, Linear Collider Board, Linear Collider Collaboration
24 January 2013
The DEPFET structure is one of the candidate technologies for the creation of the most transparent pixelated detector in history. Originally developed for the ILC's predecessor TESLA and a firm candidate for the ILC experiments, it has been selected as the baseline technology for the Belle-II experiment in Japan, a shining example of technology transfer in high-energy physics. In a paper submitted to IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science the collaboration reviews its recent progress in the light of the challenging vertex detector requirements of a linear electron-positron collider at the energy frontier.
Around the World | Tagged:
Belle-II, DEPFET, detector R&D, synergy, tracker
24 January 2013
We invite you to sign the Detailed Baseline Design (DBD) report of the ILC detectors, which now exists as a nearly final draft. It summarises the R&D achievements of the ILC Letter-of-Intent period. The contents reflect the many contributions of very many collaborators. While this draft is undergoing minor revision following the recent review by the International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG) and the ILC Project Advisory Committee, it is almost in the final form. A list of signatories will be included in the report. We wish to include those who contributed already in any way or who wish to join the activity in the next stage. We also would like to include names of anyone who supports advancing further the world ILC effort.
Feature | Tagged:
detailed baseline design, Technical Design Report
10 January 2013
[caption id="attachment_25486" align="alignright" width="300"] Sachio Komamiya of the University of Tokyo appointed as a chair of the new Linear Collider Board , which will promote and oversee the development of a linear collider and its detectors as a world-wide collaborative project.[/caption] Pier Oddone, the Chair of the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) announced yesterday the membership of the new Linear Collider Board (LCB), which as a sub-panel of ICFA will promote and oversee the development of a linear collider and its detectors as a world-wide collaborative project. The recently appointed Linear Collider Director, Lyn Evans, will report to the LCB. The LCB member are: Chair - Sachio Komamiya (University of Tokyo) Americas - Jonathan Bagger (Johns Hopkins University) - The Fermilab Director (currently Pier Oddone) - David MacFarlane (SLAC) - Lia Merminga (TRIUMF) - Hugh Montgomery (Jefferson Lab) Asia - Jie Gao (IHEP, Beijing) - Rohini Godbole (Indian Institute of Science) - Sunkee Kim (RISP) - Atsuto Suzuki (KEK) - Yifang Wang (IHEP, Beijing) Europe - The CERN Director-General (currently Rolf Heuer) - The DESY Director of Particle Physics (currently Joachim Mnich) - Francois Le Diberder (IN2P3) - The JINR Director (currently Victor Matveev) - Lenny Rivkin (PSI)
Feature | Tagged:
ICFA, Linear Collider Board, Linear Collider Collaboration
Image: Zanaq | 10 January 2013
2013 is the year of the snake - according to Chinese wisdom, it will be a year of steady progress and attention to detail. This prognosis is something the ILC design team can certainly sign off on: attention to detail is intrinsic to the ILC'S precise collisions, state-of-the-art detectors and challenging machine. And steady progress is certainly ahead with the publication of the Technical Design Report in summer. The uroboros - the snake that eats its own tail - is also often the representation of the universe, where the very big mirrors the very small.
20 December 2012
Tokyo, 15 December. The draft of the Technical Design Report (TDR) for the planned International Linear Collider ILC was handed over to Jonathan Bagger, the chair of the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC), at an official ceremony in Tokyo, Japan, on 15 December. This draft is the product of many years of research and development and a series of in-depth technical reviews for the ILC, the potential next-generation particle collider to complement and advance beyond the physics of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The handing over of the TDR draft marks the ILC's major step towards the completion of its final design.
Feature | Tagged:
ILCSC, Japan, milestone, TDR
Video: CERN Video productions | 20 December 2012
Relive the most exciting scientific moment of the year (and possibly the decade) - watch the announcement of the discovery of a new particle at the Large Hadron Collider again. And again.
Image: DESY | 20 December 2012
The German lab DESY is saying good-bye to one of its accelerator workhorses, the DORIS ring. On 2 January 2013 the final beam will go round its tunnel. It has already stopped being a light source: the last positron beam reached the HASYLAB experimental huts on 22 October. Between then and now, DORIS reverted to its original raison d’etre: an accelerator for particle physics.
Image of the week | Tagged:
DESY, particle physics
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