Nobuko Kobayashi | 19 June 2014
The world’s smallest ever beam size of 55 nanometres was achieved by the ATF2 facility at KEK, reported Nobuhiro Terunuma at the AWLC workshop held at Fermilab. And what is more, the results are reproducible, which means that for the ILC, a recovery after a short break would be no issue.
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ATF2, AWLC2014, final focus, Japan, KEK, reference design
Rika Takahashi and Nobuko Kobayashi | 5 June 2008
On the last day of May, ILC scientists and engineers enjoyed a barbecue, sushi and Ton-jiru miso soup with pork and vegetables in front of the ATF (Accelerator Test Facility at KEK) container. This gathering, called the ATF end-of-run party, has been a routine event for over ten years.
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Nobuko Kobayashi | 26 April 2007
The baseline design for the International Linear Collider (ILC) positron source is based on multi-MeV photons that produce pairs in a metallic target. The photons are created by the main electron beam passing through a helical undulator. The conventional method, positron generation via pair production using an electron beam, which is used as the positron source in all existing accelerators in the world, is adopted however as an alternative technology in the Baseline Configuration Document (BCD).
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BINP, Russia, Russian Federation
Nobuko Kobayashi | 1 March 2007
An important prerequisite for building the ILC is to establish the design and manufacturing of major and vital components, such as cryomodules for the main linacs through realistic operating conditions. The Tesla Test Facility (FLASH) at DESY and Fermilab’s ILC Test Area have been pursued to play critical roles in the European and American regions to this end. KEK also aims to serve as an Asian regional center for the main linac technology, and their STF (Superconducting RF Test Facility) and R&D programs are a manifestation of its endeavour. Many members of STF from KEK are active members in the GDE and in close collaborative relationships with colleagues from DESY, INFN, Orsay, FNAL, JLab, Cornell and SLAC. Major laboratories from China, Korea, and India, have expressed their interests or have already begun interactions with the programme at STF in various forms also.
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DESY, FLASH, KEK, STF, Superconducting RF Test Facility
Nobuko Kobayashi | 25 January 2007
On 29 November last year, the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) met with the press to explain the activities and present status of their ILC subcommittee, called the Technical Committee on Civil Engineering Issues for Linear Collider Project. The LC subcommittee was launched in June 2006 (See NewsLine 24 August 2006). One of the goals is an active collaboration between civil engineers and physicists to understand the civil engineering aspects for building the ILC in Japan. The subcommittee studies the necessary planning, geological survey, design, construction and maintenance phases for the project. The LC subcommittee is the first collaboration between physics and civil engineering in Japan, and it paves the way for future collaborative research or support.
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Japan, JSCE
Nobuko Kobayashi | 18 January 2007
From 20 to 22 December 2006, the first Japanese "ILC Detector" Workshop took place at KEK. It was supported by the JSPS grant for Creative Scientific Research "Research and development of a novel detector system for the international linear collider," and about sixty participants - from undergraduate to senior researcher - from all over the country came to KEK. The main purpose of this workshop was to exchange news about the R&D status of ILC detectors and ideas on the Reference Design Report (RDR) and Detector Concept Report (DCR).
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Nobuko Kobayashi | 27 April 2006
The Global Design Effort used to have two Korean members, one from Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP) and the other from Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL). But when a member from PAL moved to CHEP, the GDE recruited two new members, Jinhyuk Choi and Younguk Sohn of PAL, to restore balance.
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Asia, Korea
Kaoru Yokoya and Nobuko Kobayashi | 13 April 2006
As Fumihiko Takasaki steps down as the Asian Regional Director of the International Linear Collider to become the director of the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies at KEK, he also steps down as the head of the Linear Collider Promotion Office, or LC Office, at KEK. His successor at the LC Office is Kaoru Yokoya, an accelerator physicist who has been working for the linear collider for more than twenty years.
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