Perrine Royole-Degieux | 16 February 2012
The international community of theorists and experimentalists working on ILC and CLIC is convinced of the strong physics case for a generic linear collider. More than one hundred of them gathered at DESY last week for three days of intense discussions and review of the different physics scenarios. Two papers are now under way and will be finalised by this summer. In the meantime the input from the whole particle physics community will be very welcome.
Feature | Tagged:
CLIC, DESY, European Strategy for Particle Physics, lc forum, physics case
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 8 December 2011
A group of European physicists, the PLUME collaboration, aims to prototype an ultra-light device intended to equip one of the thinnest and lightest elements at the inner heart of the ILC detectors: the vertex detector. At CERN one month ago, a full-scale prototype equipped with CMOS pixel sensors was successfully tested in beam.
Feature | Tagged:
CMOS, CNRS/IN2P3, DESY, IPHC, MIMOSA-26, monolithic pixel detector, PLUME, University of Bristol, University of Oxford, University of Strasbourg, vertex detector
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 1 December 2011
Granny superconductivity turns 100 this year! Learn more about "her" in the French LHC comics (BD du LHC) with Episode 1: story of a discovery and Episode 2: Gloriaaaa Conductivitaeeee, the quantum wave.
Image of the week | Tagged:
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 6 October 2011
With the news of superluminous neutrinos in the air, the residents of Granada, Spain were primed and ready to learn more about the strange world of particles from François Richard, who gave a public lecture during the week of this year’s international workshop on linear colliders.
Around the World | Tagged:
Granada, LCWS11, public event, public lecture, Spain
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 29 September 2011
The worldwide accelerator community gathered at San Sebastián, Spain for the second International Particle Accelerator Conference. Besides being the annual rendez-vous of accelerator scientists and engineers from around the world, it is also a very good opportunity for them to meet with the industry.
Around the World | Tagged:
industry, IPAC11, Spain
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 4 August 2011
The year 2012 will be a crucial one for particle physics. Physicists expect the Large Hadron Collider and astroparticle physics experiments to draw a clearer picture of the field so that, at the end of the year, the CERN Council could vote on an update of the European strategy for particle physics and, in this way, announce Europe’s top priorities for the five years to follow.
Around the World | Tagged:
astroparticle physics, CERN, CLIC, Europe, European Strategy for Particle Physics, ILC
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 19 May 2011
Maurice Bourquin, emeritus professor at the University of Geneva and former president of the CERN Council, is one of the pioneer scientists from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Experiment collaboration. Just after the AMS-02 detector was launched, he answered ILC NewsLine’s questions about AMS history, AMS challenges, and the interplay between collider and space experiments.
Feature | Tagged:
AMS, antimatter, astroparticle, CERN, dark matter, ISS, space
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 31 March 2011
March is particle hunting season for more than 8,000 students who participated in the International Hands on Particle Physics Masterclasses. And this year features a premiere: they analyse real high-energy proton collisions from 2010’s events at the Large Hadron Collider.
Feature | Tagged:
international, LHC, masterclasses, outreach
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 7 October 2010
It's hard to imagine a particle physics experiment that wouldn't use one of his concepts. Georges Charpak, Nobel Prize-winning physicist, passed away last week. Particle physicists owe him a lot, and so does the general public, since his inventions yield applications in many other fields that use ionising radiation such as biology, radiology and nuclear medicine.
Feature | Tagged:
Charpak, multi-wire proportional chamber
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 5 August 2010
How do you gather 2,000 Parisians and tourists in the middle of summer to talk about particle physics during a whole night? Probably following this recipe: find a magic venue, invite fascinating speakers and well-known artists, explore the frontier between science and cinema and advertise, advertise, advertise. Well, at least this is how the "Nuit des particules" – Particle Night – organised on 27 July at the Grand Rex theatre in Paris by the International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2010) this year happened to be a success.
Feature | Tagged:
France, ICHEP, outreach, Paris, public event, public lecture
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