
Category archive: Around the World

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From UK News from CERN: Speaking up for CLIC

| 1 May 2014 The CLIC accelerator collaboration has elected a new spokesperson. Phil Burrows of the University of Oxford succeeds Roberto Corsini of CERN. Over the next three years, Burrows will be engaging with the institutes that are members of CLIC and helping to ensure that CLIC’s R&D programme pushes ahead during the critical phase ahead of the next update of the European strategy for particle physics. Corsini will continue his technical leadership of CLIC/CTF3. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , , ,

Newly formed European linear collider forum to increase communication with the project board

| 3 April 2014 The Linear Collider Board is the main decision body to promote and oversee the linear collider and its detectors as a worldwide collaborative project. In Europe, a new body, the European Linear Collider Forum, has just been launched to channel European discussions concerning the ILC and CLIC and to facilitate input for the international Linear Collider Board. Anyone interested to participate is invited to register to the mailing list. Will you take part? Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , ,

Guideline for ILC civil engineering completed

| 3 April 2014 The Japan Society of Civil Engineers has just completed a guideline report for the civil engineering of the International Linear Collider, based on a five-year investigation. This report will enable the best and most cost-effective construction of the ILC. Adapted to the Japanese candidate site, this document will be effective for the construction of ILC at any overseas sites, and also useful to other future large-scale underground constructions. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , ,

From DESY inForm: Accelerator – stonewashed

| 20 March 2014 Usually it’s basic research – especially for particle accelerators – that pioneers new technology. But in this case the researchers obviously had a little inspirational snoop at Levi’s or any other jeans manufacturer’s. Recently, DESY’s superconducting TESLA cavities have started to be surface-treated with a stonewashing equipment – accelerators stonewashed, so to say. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , ,

Former ILCSC chair Jon Bagger to lead TRIUMF

20 March 2014 Jonathan Bagger, ILCSC chair until its final meeting a year ago and current member of the Linear Collider Board, will take over as Director of the Canadian national lab TRIUMF from July 2014, TRIUMF announced on Tuesday. "It is an exciting time to lead the laboratory,” Bagger, currently of Johns Hopkins University, said. “Its collaborative, interdisciplinary model represents the future for much of science. TRIUMF helps Canada connect fundamental research to important societal goals, ranging from health and safety to education and innovation.” Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , ,

Strengthening Asian capability in SCRF technology

| 6 March 2014 Sixteen thousand – that’s the number of the superconducting radiofrequency (SCRF) accelerating cavities needed to build the 500-Giga-electronvolt linear collider. The fabrications of these 16 000 cavities will be divided between the three regions of Europe, the Americas, and Asia. This week, encouraging news about SCRF cavity fabrication came from Asia. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , ,

The road to Kitakami

| 20 February 2014 Our mission was clear: we were the tasters, the vanguard. In early February, the two European LC communicators travelled to Japan for three days to a. find our way around the Japanese transport system, b. be filmed doing so, c. find entry points of improvement potential for foreigners about to make the same experience, and d. start a communication model for the future multi-national laboratory. Here is how it all played out. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , , ,

From KEK: KEK sets up Planning Office for the International Linear Collider

6 February 2014 Tsukuba, 6 January 2014. KEK, Japan's High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, has set up a Planning Office for the International Linear Collider. The office will be headed by Atsuto Suzuki, Director General of KEK, and will oversee a broad range of activities required for realisation of the ILC, in addition to the ongoing efforts. Read more in English - Read more in Japanese

French Linear Collider community meets to reinforce links with world-wide partners

, and | 9 January 2014 The French Linear collider community organised its second “Linear Collider days” last November. The highlights of the meetings, summarised here by three of the organisers, show the diversity of the fields addressed the community and its expertise. The days ended with a special session dedicated to country reports where accelerator and detector activities in different continents were reviewed in the context of their possible future cooperation with France. It served as one of the building blocks in constructing European ILC Community. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , , ,

Accelerating News: Synergies for testing Superconducting RF (SRF) cavities

19 December 2013 CRISP, the "Cluster of Research Infrastructures for Synergies in Physics" is a European-funded project and one of its objectives is to upgrade and harmonise the SRF Accelerator Structures for ESS, ILC, LHC upgrade and the European XFEL. The activity supports an optimised surface treatment, the application of advanced test and preparation infrastructure as well as state-of-the-art diagnostics tools. Significant focus is laid on the knowledge transfer between ESS, CERN and DESY. Read more in Accelerating News Winter 2013 issue Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , , ,