
Category archive: Director’s Corner

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Scientific justification for the ILC

| 14 June 2012 At the KILC12 workshop in Daegu, Korea, in May, there was a panel discussion on the topic of what will be required to provide scientific justification for the International Linear Collider. The panel consisted of a cross-section of workshop attendees, accelerator physicists, detector experts, theorists and even one of our communicators. The panel discussion produced areas of agreement, some differences and homework. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,

Some highlights from the KILC12 workshop

| 7 June 2012 The international KILC12 workshop was held in April in Korea to discuss topics varying from ILC physics to the nuts and bolts of the accelerator and detector designs for the International Linear Collider. This meeting came at a crucial time when the design decisions for the Technical Design Report was being finalised and the writing of the report being begun in earnest. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,

The cost estimate for the ILC’s Technical Design Report

| 31 May 2012 The cost estimate for the ILC that will accompany the Technical Design Report is intended to be a credible, comprehensive, and well-documented presentation of the costs in a format which is useful for all regional partners. It will be a “Value” estimate, stated in “ILC Units” which are convertible to any regional currency, and in person-hours of institutional labour at the ILC laboratory, or at collaborating laboratories and institutions. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , ,

FALC meets in Japan

| 24 May 2012 The Funding Agencies for Large Colliders met in the Shonan Village Center in Kanagawa, Japan on 17 April. FALC is an informal group of agency representatives who discuss large international projects in particle physics, both projects that are under way and those in the planning stages. FALC has given special attention to the ILC since it is a totally global initiative and has no home laboratory to oversee its development. The meeting in Japan discussed the future of ILC R&D beyond the Global Design Effort mandate to produce a Technical Design Report next year. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , , , ,

Jean Trân Thanh Vân receives Tate medal

| 17 May 2012 Today I pay tribute to a very special Vietnamese physicist, Jean Trân Thanh Vân, who has been awarded the 2011 Tate Medal. No field of physics is more international than particle physics and Trân epitomises that spirit. He has dedicated much of his professional life to creating ways to bring physicists together from around the globe, and especially his initiatives to bring Vietnam into the global world of physics. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,

The two detector concepts for the ILC

| 10 May 2012 The ILC physics programme is based on building two complementary detectors that will share beam time. The value of having two detectors with different designs, technologies, collaborations and emphasis has proven to be a very effective way to exploit the science. For the ILC, we propose using a push-pull concept to cost-effectively share the beam between two detectors. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,

Baseline Technical Review 4 – conventional and unconventional facilities

| 3 May 2012 The fourth and final Baseline Technical Review was held at CERN on 22 and 23 March. The completion of this review marks an important milestone en route to producing the ILC Technical Design Report. The subject matter of this final review was conventional facilities, including a variety of site-dependent issues. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,

On roadmaps and signposts

| 26 April 2012 Roadmaps, like many things in life, become outdated and eventually misleading and useless. The only way to avoid this is to update them when it is clear that the landscape has, or is about to, change significantly. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,

The role of professional societies

| 19 April 2012 Most of us belong to a professional society that serves many of our professional needs throughout our career as practicing scientists. I have belonged to the American Physical Society since I was a graduate student in Berkeley, and last year I had the privilege of serving as APS President for 2011. It has become customary for each outgoing President to summarise his or her presidential year for APS, and I repeat my summary in order to give a picture of the activities of such a professional society. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,

HEPAP: advising DOE on the particle physics programme

| 12 April 2012 HEPAP is the official advisory body to DOE for high-energy physics. At their recent meeting from 12 to 13 March, they dealt with US high-energy physics budgets, including future year projections, and how to reconcile them with the US high-energy physics programme. In the process, they covered a wide variety of topics ranging from the future of the US accelerator R&D programme to next-generation dark matter searches. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,