
Category archive: Director’s Corner

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Celebrating the Tevatron

| 8 September 2011 The Fermilab Tevatron will be turned off later this month after having served the high-energy community for 25 years as the highest-energy collider in the world. The contributions of the Tevatron have been enormous, both from its many physics results and from its leading role in developing the science and technology of high-energy hadron colliders. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , , ,

Technical baseline reviews: damping rings

| 1 September 2011 As part of the process of developing the ILC technical design, the GDE project managers have initiated a set of technical baseline reviews of major subsystems. The first of those reviews on the ILC damping rings was carried out in July in Frascati, Italy. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,

Thank you, ILC, too!

| 25 August 2011 GDE Cost Manager Peter Garbincius bids a fond farewell to the International Linear Collider collaboration. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged:

GDE Executive Committee meeting at Caltech

| 18 August 2011 The GDE Executive Committee met face-to-face at Caltech in July in order to plan the next phase of the work on the Technical Design Report following establishment of a new ILC baseline this past spring. The status and plans remain on track to complete the report at the end of 2012. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,

Extending the energy reach of the ILC

| 11 August 2011 A new study is being undertaken to extend the maximum energy of the ILC from the present design of 0.5 TeV towards 1.0 TeV, either as a future option or possibly for the initial machine. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,

Thanks, Peter!

| 4 August 2011 Peter Garbincius, a key member of the ILC Global Design Effort, has left the GDE to undertake a new assignment at Fermilab. His contributions to the ILC design effort have been truly outstanding and he will be sorely missed. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,

The mass production of SRF linac cavities

| 28 July 2011 Niobium’s superconducting ability recommends it as a metal of choice for ILC accelerating cavities, but it brings challenges to the R&D table. Laboratories and industry alike work to set down the best possible, most cost-effective process for forming niobium into high-performing structures. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , ,

ILC accelerator interim report elicits positive responses

| 21 July 2011 Following the recent release of the ILC accelerator interim report, The International Linear Collider: A Technical Progress Report, we have received positive and encouraging responses from the chairman and other members of the International Linear Collider Steering Committee, our scientific oversight committee. This interim report is a useful summary of our ILC R&D programme and accomplishments to date, in preparation for the ILC Technical Design Report, which we are on track to complete by the end of 2012. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,

PAC meeting in Taiwan: accelerator recommendations

| 14 July 2011 The ILC Program Advisory Committee met at Academia Sinica in Taiwan in May. They made a set of specific comments and recommendations regarding the accelerator R&D programme and GDE plans and progress towards a Technical Design Report. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , , , ,

PAC meeting in Taiwan: a discussion of long-term issues

| 7 July 2011 The ILC Program Advisory Committee met at Academia Sinica in Taiwan in May. In addition to their specific recommendations, they again urged development of a strategy for the post-2012 period, following completion of the accelerator Technical Design Report. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,