Barry Barish | 8 April 2010This past week marked the beginning of a new era for particle physics with the much publicised achievement of establishing the first 7-TeV collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). [...] We should soon begin to have a glimpse of Terascale physics from searches for the origin of mass to looking for evidence of a new symmetry in nature that could even explain the dark matter. Even more intriguing is the real possibility for totally unexpected surprises that are awaiting us. We are looking to LHC science to establish what kind of lepton collider will be needed to best exploit the energy frontier in the longer term.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: 7 TeV, CERN, ILC, lepton collider, LHC, supersymmetry, terascale
Nick Walker | 25 March 2010[...] As a truly global project, the ILC remains the dream of hundreds of physicists around the globe. Many of them will be joining me in Beijing for the workshop, to discuss the impressive technical progress we are making. -- Nick Walker
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: Beijing, China, LCWS10
Barry Barish | 18 March 2010[...] we have sought a more critical technical review process. We now have had such a review and it has made us reconsider some of our plans as a result. We will be interacting with the AAP in the coming months regarding the detailed recommendations in their report.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: AAP review, Accelerator Advisory Panel, SB2009
Barry Barish | 11 March 2010The most recent meeting of the Funding Agencies for Large Colliders (FALC) was held at the Tata Institute for Fundamental Research (TIFR) in Mumbai, India from 17 to 18 January. FALC reviewed the major high-energy programmes worldwide during this meeting, as well as hearing reports on the status and plans for the International Linear Collider.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: FALC, India, Mumbai
Barry Barish | 4 March 2010[...] I am addressing another important area of communication for the ILC and particle physics more generally: the need to engage our scientist colleagues in other areas of science ranging from biology to astronomy.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: astronomy, biology, particle physics
Barry Barish | 4 February 2010[...] The ILC-CLIC collaborative work has become an important element in our activities. In addition to the technical interchange and joint work through seven working groups, we held a Global Design Effort Executive Committee meeting at CERN last June and will organise a large joint workshop next autumn. Our collaborative activities have reached a level where it has become important to formalise the arrangement, which has now been achieved through a joint statement. -- Barry Barish
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ILC-CLIC, ILC-CLIC collaboration