
Category archive: Research Director’s Report

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Optimal ILC physics performance at acceptable cost and risk

| 15 July 2010 The [SB2009 Working Group] established quantitatively that the low-energy performance of SB2009 was a serious concern for optimal performance at lower energies, such as at and just above the threshold for Z-Higgs (210-350 GeV), an assumed key operating point for the measurement of Higgs properties. In response to these comments from the physics community, the GDE began investigations of concepts which could improve the low-energy luminosity. Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged:

ILC Detectors: more news since last IDAG meeting

| 17 June 2010 We have gained several helpful inputs from the new system of the International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG) monitoring global detectors after the validation. Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged: ,

AIDA trumpets

| 20 May 2010 AIDA is an acronym for the contract recently approved by European Union in favour of detector R&D for particle physics. It means Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators. I suspect that this acronym, inspired by the famous opera from Verdi, can be viewed as reflecting the large number of participants involved in this ambitious Opera(tion). Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged: , , ,

New moves for the physics and detector activity

| 15 April 2010 A joint international linear collider workshop, LCWS10 and ILC10, held in Beijing last month initiated various new moves for the physics and detector activity of ILC. -- By Sakue Yamada Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged:

Uniting machine and detectors

| 18 March 2010 A joint international linear collider workshop, LCWS10 and ILC10, will be held in Beijing from 26 to 30 March. LCWS10 is organised by the World Wide Study of the Physics and Detectors for future linear e+ e- colliders (WWS) representing the physics and detector efforts, while ILC10 is organised by the Global Design Effort (GDE) covering the accelerator efforts. Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged: ,

Detector groups work out their work plans

| 18 February 2010 In my report of last December, I wrote about detector activities in the new phase after validation. One of them was the effort of the two detector groups, ILD and SiD, to make the work plans towards their detailed baseline design aimed to be ready in 2012. -- Sakue Yamada Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged: , ,

Optimising the value of the ILC

| 21 January 2010 [...] Sakue has created a working group of people who are able to simulate the effect of SB2009 parameters on physics performance. Some changes are expected to have little effect on the physics performance of the ILC, while other changes potentially may have important negative implications, challenging the fulfillment of the Parameters and performance. Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged: ,

Detector activities in the new stage

| 17 December 2009 The physics and detector activity for the ILC entered into a new stage after the validation of the Letters of Intent (LOIs) and following discussions during the American Linear Collider Physics Group (ALCPG) workshop in Albuquerque, US. Close to the turn of the year, I wish to survey what has been going on since then. -- By Sakue Yamada Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged: ,

Preparing future detector R&D at testbeams

| 19 November 2009 Testbeams are the first occasion for detector concepts to face the truth about their design, and an optimal opportunity to train young physicist on real data. Recently, 40 experts met at Orsay to review the needs for testbeams for the R&D on detectors in the future. Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged: ,

Linear collider detector development

| 22 October 2009 I have just attended the CLIC09 workshop at CERN.... A large fraction of work done on physics and detectors is common to both CLIC and ILC, and ILC detectors are already benefitting from CERN expertise in detector integration and push-pull design. --By Hitoshi Yamamoto Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged: ,