Tag archive: accelerating gradient
9 January 2014
On 20 December, members of the Accelerator Division SRF Electron Linac Department and the Technical Division SRF Development Department successfully brought the first accelerating cavity in Cryomodule 2 to a gradient of 31.5 megavolts per meter, the gradient required for the proposed International Linear Collider. The achievement demonstrates the cavity's successful integration into the cryomodule.
Feature | Tagged:
accelerating gradient, cryomodule, Fermilab, Superconducting RF
Barry Barish | 14 July 2011
The ILC Program Advisory Committee met at Academia Sinica in Taiwan in May. They made a set of specific comments and recommendations regarding the accelerator R&D programme and GDE plans and progress towards a Technical Design Report.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerating gradient, cavity gradient, industrialisation, PAC, PAC review, S1-global, SCRF, TDR
Rika Takahashi | 9 December 2010
Designing and fabricating an optimal accelerating cavity is not so simple. There are two important parameters scientists are looking for: the gradient of 35 megavolts per meter (MV/m) and the quality factor (Q0) of greater than 0.8×10^10. A Japanese cavity now fulfilled those requirements for the first time at a test which took place at the Superconducting radiofrequency Test Facility (STF) at KEK, adding momentum towards future mass production.
Feature | Tagged:
accelerating gradient, cavity gradient, KEK, Kyoto camera, nine-cell cavity, quality factor, STF
9 September 2010
A 1.3-gigahertz TESLA-type nine-cell niobium superconducting cavity, named PKU3, as the third nine-cell cavity fabricated by the superconducting radiofrequency (RF) group at Peking University, Beijing, China, achieved an accelerating gradient of 28.6 megavolts per metre (MV/m) at an unloaded quality factor of 4×109 in its second vertical test at Jefferson Lab (JLab), USA on 9 August 2010. This cavity is the first nine-cell cavity with end group components in China reaching a gradient usable for the ILC.
Around the World | Tagged:
1.3 GHz, accelerating gradient, cavity gradient, China, nine-cell cavity, PKU3
Barry Barish | 9 July 2009
... we plan to set an average operating gradient of 31.5 MV per metre for the 14560 cavities mounted in the 1680 cryomodules of a 500-GeV ILC.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerating gradient, cavity gradient, high-gradient cavity, superconducting cavity, TDP-1
Elizabeth Clements | 24 May 2007
The newest resident in Fermilab’s Meson Detector Building is up and running. Last week, Fermilab scientists installed a nine-cell 1.3 GHz TESLA-style cavity into a cryostat in order to commission the new Horizontal Test Stand. Designed to test both 3.9 Ghz and 1.3 Ghz 9-cell niobium cavities, the Horizontal Test Stand will play an important role in the growing ILC R&D programme at Fermilab.
Feature | Tagged:
accelerating gradient, cavity gradient, Fermilab, horizontal test stand
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 15 March 2007
Last January, engineers from the DAPNIA laboratory in Saclay France qualified a new electropolishing facility for single cell cavities. Their first electropolished cavity reaches a promising result, above 42 MV/m (megavolts per metre) of accelerating gradient. It allows them to join the global R&D effort on these cavity treatments.
Feature | Tagged:
accelerating gradient, cavity gradient, DAPNIA, France, Saclay
Barry Barish | 6 July 2006
The centerpiece of the ILC concept is the superconducting RF technology that will be used to accelerate electrons and positrons in the main linac.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerating gradient, accelerator R&D, cavity gradient, S0, S0 task force, S1, S1 task force
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