Tag archive: calorimeter
Images: IPNL | 17 May 2012
For the first time, a large-scale calorimeter prototype for the ILC, fully equipped with embedded power-pulsed electronics, successfully passed a test beam at CERN a few weeks ago. A prototype of more than one cubic metre in size of CALICE’s Semi-Digital Hadronic Calorimeter successfully recorded and tracked 1 million particles from CERN’s SPS accelerator beam (muons and pions). Thanks to power pulsing, the detector front-end electronics was periodically disabled and enabled, following the beam cycle. Read more and view more photos about the test beam.
Image of the week | Tagged:
CALICE, calorimeter, power pulsing, sdhcal, test beam
Barbara Warmbein | 12 January 2012
Good timing is a virtue. Just as comedians have to wait for just the right moment to deliver their punch line, linear collider physicists need to know when to make cuts. These cuts separate phenomena called particle showers from each other, making it possible for the physicists to tell which reaction originated from which collision. Two German PhD students have built a test device that is supposed to get behind the precise timing of showers.
Profile | Tagged:
CALICE, calorimeter, detector R&D, IEEE, ILC-CLIC collaboration
Marcel Demarteau | 18 August 2011
Although the actual construction date of the ILC accelerator and its detectors is very uncertain, the impact of the R&D for ILC detectors is very real. Sometimes we tend to overlook the deep impact the work initiated by and carried out within the ILC detector community has already had on the whole particle physics community and beyond.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
3-D silicon technology, calorimeter, CMOS, detector R&D, detectors, ILD, sensor, SOI technology, technology transfer, time projection chamber, TPC, vertex detector
Barbara Warmbein | 20 January 2011
A device used the linear collider’s hadronic calorimeter could soon help detect cancer. It would also be the central part of what is likely going to be the world’s smallest calorimeter – so tiny that it can fit on the tip of an endoscope to be inserted into a person’s stomach. Since January 2011, a consortium of some 60 scientists from 13 institutes all across Europe is officially building the world’s first in-body calorimeter, funded by the European commission in its 7th Framework Programme with about 6 million Euros over a period of four years.
Around the World | Tagged:
calorimeter, Europe, Framework Program, PET, technology transfer
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 27 September 2007
The CALICE (Calorimeter for Linear Collider Experiment) collaboration is growing and anticipating the future of ILC calorimeters. The members not only prepare test-beams for the current generation of calorimeter prototypes, but they also prepare the future design of ILC sub-detectors. A record number of 72 CALICE members reviewed and discussed all these aspects two weeks ago in Prague during a collaboration meeting.
Feature | Tagged:
CALICE, calorimeter
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