Tag archive: cavity database
Barbara Warmbein | 29 October 2009
The idea sounds simple enough: collect all the data that exist in the world on cavities ā nine-cell TESLA-style cavities, to be precise ā including all tests, manufacturers and achieved gradients and merge it into a common format so that all cavity professionals around the world can extract the data they need to compare cavity performance and learn. Anyone who has ever set up a database and tried to merge existing data sets into one knows: it's not that easy. However, the ILC's accelerator experts have just decided that they will all use a database system developed by DESY to set up the world's first global cavity database.
Feature | Tagged:
cavity database, DESY
Akira Yamamoto | 30 July 2009
I would like to thank Barry Barish (...) for the opportunity to write his column and expand on the efforts for an area of the Main Linac and Superconducting Radiofrequency (ML-SCRF) technology and the tasks ahead of us.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cavity database, cavity gradient, high-gradient cavity, superconducting cavity, Superconducting RF
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