Tag archive: cavity surface
Leah Hesla | 5 May 2011
Anything bulk niobium can do, thin films can do better. At least, that’s the hope of Jefferson Laboratory scientists, who are currently exploring a method that would allow them to create customisable thin niobium films.
Around the World | Tagged:
cavity processing, cavity surface, Jefferson Lab, JLab, niobium, superconducting cavity, thin films
Leah Hesla | 28 April 2011
Argonne researchers are working to coat accelerator cavities with perfectly uniform atomic layers of niobium. The thin film technology could help slash production and operation costs in particle accelerator programmes while boosting accelerator performance.
Around the World | Tagged:
Argonne, atomic layer deposition, cavity, cavity surface, niobium, thin films
Leah Hesla | 21 April 2011
Elegant and inexpensive, the second-sound detection system developed at Cornell University helps scientists triangulate the location of hard-to-see accelerator cavity flaws. Helium helps.
Feature | Tagged:
cavity, cavity diagnostic, cavity inspection, cavity surface, Cornell, Cornell University, oscillating superleak transducers, second sound, superconducting cavity
Barbara Warmbein | 14 April 2011
A small group of young researchers at DESY, Germany, is working on a robot that could drastically reduce the time it takes to optically inspect a cavity. Their work covers everything from the pure mechanics of the workbench and fine-tuned motors for moving the heavy parts to developing sophisticated methods of automatically analysing the pictures. Cavities might eventually pass the check in two hours instead of the one-and-a-half days it takes today.
Around the World | Tagged:
camera, cavity inspection, cavity surface, DESY, Kyoto camera, OBACHT
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