Tag archive: Chicago
Barbara Warmbein | 21 August 2008
Which is the right word to complete this series: KEK, Snowmass, Hamburg, ... ? Chicago of course! After the first three venues, the fourth General ILC Workshop (ILC08) will take place in Chicago this year, organised in conjunction with the 2008 Linear Collider Workshop LCWS. As in the past, the workshop is supposed to bring detector and accelerator communities together. Results and plans from both worlds will be discussed in several joint plenary sessions.
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Chicago, ILC08, LCWS, LCWS08, UIC, United States
Elizabeth Clements | 13 September 2007
Get ready for deep-dish pizza and hot dogs piled high with onions, peppers and a pickle because the 2007 American Linear Collider Physics Group and International Linear Collider Global Design Effort meetings are heading for the windy city. Fermilab, located just outside Chicago, Illinois, will host the joint ALCPG07 meeting on 22-26 October in a continuing series of workshops on the physics, detector and accelerator issues of the proposed ILC. Interested participants should register soon, as the deadline to book a hotel room is 21 September.
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ALCPG, ALCPG07, Chicago, United States
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