Tag archive: cost
Brian Foster | 8 September 2016
Among the LCC collaboration changes that will be put in place as of January 2017 will be the abolition of the Regional Directors. In this week’s corner, Brian Foster, soon-to-be former-European Director, explains what he has learned in 14 years of dedication towards managing the linear collider project, and gives some advice for the future.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost, European XFEL, GDE, management, RDR, site decision, TDR
Nick Walker | 27 September 2012
GDE Project Manager Nick Walker reports from a focused, positive and lively meeting in Cracow and the impact the discussions can have on the ILC. Would a staged approach - starting at 250 GeV to make the ILC a Higgs factory and ramping up to 500 GeV later - make for a cheaper machine? Where are the potential savings, and how long would it take to build an ILC Higgs factory?
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost, European Strategy for Particle Physics, Higgs factory, Technical Design Report
Sakue Yamada | 19 May 2011
Costing the two ILC detectors more precisely is one of the important activities for the ongoing ILC detector design work, and balancing detector cost and performance depends on the strategy of the detector groups. To learn whether there are differences among them, the groups undertake detailed coordination of their costing methodologies.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
cost, IDAG, ILD, SiD
Barry Barish | 14 April 2011
Establishing a new baseline for the ILC technical design requires balancing performance, cost and risk issues. A proposal to halve the number of bunches in the machine, reducing power and cost has been approved, following a one-year study of all the impacts.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Change Evaluation Panel, cost, GDE, ILC baseline, ILC parameters, luminosity, machine parameters, particle bunches
Barry Barish | 6 May 2010
[...] The trend towards larger science seems inevitable and we scientists need to make sure such facilities are done cost effectively, if we expect society to support us. This means we must very carefully choose which projects to develop, so that we will produce the best science.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost, cost estimate, cost growth, ITER, NASA
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