Tag archive: detector
Barbara Warmbein | 14 December 2017
Sometimes a neat line of dots on a computer screen can stand for that moment when it all comes together. A reward for years of hard work, many meetings, lots of travel and nights spent in test beam huts. At least that’s the case for a team of physicists and engineers who have spent the last years designing and testing detector components for a future linear-collider detector, the Silicon-Tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter or SiW-ECAL. During a recent test campaign at the German research lab DESY the developers came together to probe their latest detector design together with the latest sensors and all components that have been developed over the last years.
Around the World | Tagged:
AIDA-2020, CNRS/IN2P3, DESY, detector, electromagnetic calorimeter
Sakue Yamada | 18 February 2010
In my report of last December, I wrote about detector activities in the new phase after validation. One of them was the effort of the two detector groups, ILD and SiD, to make the work plans towards their detailed baseline design aimed to be ready in 2012. -- Sakue Yamada
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
detector, ILD, SiD
Barbara Warmbein | 27 September 2007
Scientists are a self-organised and democratic lot. As such, they like bottom-up approaches: ask everybody involved, test all options and find the best and most logical consensus. The most recent example of this approach is the cooperation between the two detector concepts the Large Detector Concept and the Global Large Detector. Starting from first ideas during LCWS in Hamburg this summer, the two groups decided to combine their concepts into one and write a common Letter of Intent.
Feature | Tagged:
detector, GLD, ILC, LDC
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