Tag archive: detector concepts
Barbara Warmbein | 17 November 2022
One thing is pretty certain: the next big machine in particle physics is most likely going to be an electron-positron “Higgs factory” collider. What is not so certain is which of the different collider options currently being considered will be realised. The ILD collaboration, creator of one of the two detector concepts for the International Linear Collider (ILC), is now checking how ILD would perform at different colliders than ILC, and is deepening collaborations with these collider concepts. ILD released its strategy in September.
Feature | Tagged:
detector concepts, detector R&D, FCC, Higgs factory, ILD
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 25 November 2015
Hitoshi Yamamoto, Associate Director for Physics and Detectors in the Linear Collider Collaboration, is happy to announce that a new, lightweight panel to oversee physics and detector activities has been formed and met for the first time at this year’s linear collider workshop.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
detector concepts, detector R&D, PDAP, physics and detectors
Barry Barish | 14 May 2009
Compared to most accelerators, the ILC will have a much more intimate and complex set of interfaces between the machine and the detectors (MDI).
Director's Corner | Tagged:
4th concept, detector concepts, ILD, letter of intent, LOI, SiD
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 4 December 2008
The International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG) met for the second time during the LCWS08 meeting which took place in Chicago two weeks ago. In a few days, they succeeded to converge on the strategy they will use to evaluate the ILC detectors concepts. At the end of March 2009, they will receive the Letters of Intent (LOIs) for the detector concepts and start reviewing them.
Feature | Tagged:
detector concepts, IDAG, LCWS08, letter of intent
Sakue Yamada | 17 April 2008
Three concept groups have responded to the call for Expressions of Interest: ILD, SiD and the 4th concept group. Now we can go one step further, namely the common task groups will be formed by the members of each of these groups.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
detector concepts, detector R&D
6 March 2008
After the news about budget reductions, especially for ILC activities, in December last year in the UK and US, there was considerable discussion within SiD whether to have this meeting or not. In the end we decided to proceed as planned because the call for LOIs still exists and SiD wants to prepare an LOI.
Around the World | Tagged:
ALCPG07, detector concepts, LOI, SiD, SLAC, UK budget, US budget
Elizabeth Clements | 17 May 2007
RDR meet your other half. A draft version of the Detector Concept Report for the International Linear Collider is now available online. In February, the Global Design Effort published the draft Reference Design Report, providing the first detailed technical snapshot of the accelerator. The DCR completes the picture and makes the physics and detector case for the ILC.
Feature | Tagged:
DCR, Detector Concept Report, detector concepts
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