Tag archive: DHCAL
Leah Hesla | 18 August 2011
Being holed up at Fermilab's Test Beam Facility for two weeks, 18 hours a day is no reason to go hungry. Researchers from the University of Texas at Arlington subsisted on instant noodles while they kept busy with their gas electron multipliers, one of the technologies being developed for the ILC detector.
Around the World | Tagged:
detector R&D, DHCAL, Gas Electron Multiplier, University of Texas at Arlington
Leah Hesla | 12 May 2011
The Digital Hadron Calorimeter offers high-resolution images of particle showers. With the help of hundreds of thousands of readout pads, tiny pieces of each charged particle’s path within hadronic showers are recorded. The DHCAL brings scientists not only detailed images, but now also complete ones, having expanded its potential in recent months by tens of thousands of additional readout channels.
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Leah Hesla | 4 November 2010
Scientists led by a group at Argonne National Laboratory are bringing pictures of hadronic showers into sharper focus with the Digital Hadron Calorimeter, or DHCAL, one of several hadron calorimeter options for the ILC detector. The Argonne group began testing the device last month at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility.
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Argonne, DHCAL, Digital Hadron Calorimeter
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