Tag archive: DOE
Harry Weerts and Mike Harrison | 22 May 2014
After the release of the European Strategy for Particle Physics last year, the strategy process in the US is also being finalised. The Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5) was put together and charged by the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel (HEPAP) to create a “10 year strategic plan in context of a 20 year global vision” for the US programme. The complete committee report was presented to HEPAP today and discussions about its content are ongoing. The P5 roadmap outlines a broad particle physics programme for the US, including strong endorsements for the ILC in Japan.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
DOE, ILC, P5 report, US
2 May 2013
It's suit and tie time when high-level US and Japanese science planners meet. At the US-Japan Advanced Science and Technology Symposium, held on 30 April in Washington DC, leaders from government, academia and industry met to discuss US-Japan cooperation in science and technology, using the ILC as an example. Learn more in the next issue of LC NewsLine. On the left is a Daniel B. Poneman, Deputy Secretary of Energy, and on the right Takeo Kawamura, Member of the Lower House and Chair of the Federation of Diet members in support of the ILC.
Image of the week | Tagged:
DOE, Federation of Diet members, Japan, US
Barry Barish | 20 September 2012
There are no official proposals for where the ILC could be located. Rather, our approach has been to develop an ILC design compatible with three “sample” sites that have different characteristics. In this process, we have by no means ruled out the possibility of housing the ILC in a shallow site, even though all three of our sample sites are deep underground. A new shallow site possibility has recently been suggested in Hanford, Washington in the US.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cut-and-cover, DOE, ILC site, LIGO, United States
Barry Barish | 12 April 2012
HEPAP is the official advisory body to DOE for high-energy physics. At their recent meeting from 12 to 13 March, they dealt with US high-energy physics budgets, including future year projections, and how to reconcile them with the US high-energy physics programme. In the process, they covered a wide variety of topics ranging from the future of the US accelerator R&D programme to next-generation dark matter searches.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
DOE, DOE Office of Science, HEPAP, United States
Barry Barish | 1 March 2012
During a face-to-face working meeting of the Global Design Effort Executive Committee, held in Washington DC last month, invited guests discussed with us how science is supported in the US system, including new project approval, the yearly budget process and the formulation of science policy.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
APS, DOE, OSTP, TDR, US budget
9 June 2011
Image: Reidar HahnUnited States Secretary of Energy Steven Chu discusses the importance of fundamental research at a public lecture on 2 June at Fermilab. Read about his talk.
Image of the week | Tagged:
DOE, Fermilab, public lecture
Barry Barish | 11 February 2010
[...] I am pleased to announce that the DOE is continuing to support this revised programme and that a $35-million ILC R&D budget has been included in the President's US budget request announced last week.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
2010, 2011, budget, DOE, funding, government, ILC R&D funding, United States
Barry Barish | 19 March 2009
We will restore science to its rightful place, said President Barack Obama in his inauguration address. That statement has raised the hopes of the scientific community, and actions that have followed have further encouraged us to believe that we are entering a new era in the US that will have increased priority for the support of science. (...) It is worthwhile anticipating how all the changes will impact US science, high-energy physics, in particular, and finally on our efforts towards the ILC.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
DOE, United States, US budget
Mike Harrison | 25 September 2008
Given the arcane nature of the US budgetary system, I will describe this process, since the resources available to us, or the lack thereof, serve to drive the scope of the US ILC R&D effort.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
DOE, OHEP, United States, US budget
Barry Barish | 7 February 2008
President Bush released his budget request for the US fiscal year 2009 (FY09) earlier this week.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
DOE, R&D Plan, United States, US budget
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