Tag archive: electron-positron collider
YiLin Liu | 27 June 2013
From 12 to 14 June, the 464th Fragrant Hill Science Conference on “The Next-generation High Energy Electron Positron Collider - Current Situation and Future Strategy” was held in the Beijing Fragrant Hill Hotel. Thirty-five front-line scientists from theoretical physics, experimental physics, detectors and accelerators from eleven institutes in China joined the conference. Scientists reviewed the achievements of high-energy-frontier experiments and current research programmes on particle physics both at home and abroad. They also discussed China's strategy for the next-generation high-energy electron-positron colliders.
Around the World | Tagged:
China, electron-positron collider, IHEP, ILC
Barry Barish | 13 June 2013
The Global Design Effort has completed its mandate to produce a technical design for the ILC. Yesterday’s official handover of the Technical Design Report to ICFA was the culmination of a celebratory three continent event this week. The discovery of the Higgs particle at the LHC at CERN, the production of a viable design for a complementary electron-positron linear collider and the interest of the Japanese in hosting this machine combine to greatly encourage our communities’ hopes and dreams of building the ILC.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cold technology, electron-positron collider, executive committee, GDE, hadron collider, Technical Design Report, warm technology
Barry Barish | 13 January 2011
Happy New Year! This is my first column of 2011 and I am very pleased to begin the year by reporting on the significant new investment in particle physics by the Italian government. The Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research has announced the funding of the proposed €400-million Super B project of the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN). The present plan is to site the machine at or near the Frascati Laboratory and to reuse magnets and other apparatuses from the PEP-II accelerator and the BABAR detector at SLAC in the US, both keeping costs down and enabling a rapid construction schedule, perhaps as short as five years.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
B factory, B physics, electron-positron collider, INFN, Italy, Super B
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