Tag archive: funding
Barry Barish | 10 March 2011
Representatives of particle physics funding agencies worldwide met at SLAC in January in an informal forum called FALC. This provided an opportunity to jointly discuss the worldwide program and plans in particle physics on the eve of the much anticipated next data run at the CERN Large Hadron Collider.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CERN, European Strategy for Particle Physics, FALC, funding, funding agencies, INFN, KEK, Super B, SuperKEKB
Barry Barish | 11 February 2010
[...] I am pleased to announce that the DOE is continuing to support this revised programme and that a $35-million ILC R&D budget has been included in the President's US budget request announced last week.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
2010, 2011, budget, DOE, funding, government, ILC R&D funding, United States
29 May 2008
The University of Chicago announced today that it has received a $5 million gift to be directed toward the development of future programs in particle physics.
Around the World | Tagged:
funding, UIC, United States
Barbara Warmbein | 6 March 2008
What do you do when you are director of a lab and chairman of a large international committee and have been invited to different events on different continents on the same day, assuming you don't have clones? You try to attend both -- at least virtually. Albrecht Wagner, DG of DESY in Hamburg and chair of the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA), gave an ICFA talk at the opening plenary of this week's TILC08 meeting that he had recorded earlier.
Feature | Tagged:
funding, ICFA, TILC08
Elizabeth Clements | 10 November 2005
On Friday, 4 November, the Funding Agencies for the Linear Collider (FALC) met at Fermilab. At the meeting, representatives from funding agencies and governments around the world discussed the various issues involved with funding an International Linear Collider.
Feature | Tagged:
FALC, funding, funding agencies
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